A View from the Side of the LHM Float – Part 1
I must admit I was skeptical of the reception of the only Christian float in the Rose Parade in Southern California, an area known as a rather “uninterested-in-religion” area of the country. That the title of the float had been chosen to be “Celebrate Jesus” and would have someone portraying Jesus on it added to my feelings that it would probably be superseded by an advertisement on the TV stations. Was I surprised!
Coming around the first turn onto Colorado Avenue, Rev. Dr. Dale Meyer, sitting beside me sighed loudly and declared, “Oh, how I would love to preach to this crowd!” It was a fantastic crowd. Bundled up in the cold hundreds of people were waving, watching the floats, bands, horses and surfing dogs go by. Every so often we would come upon cheering and shouting “Petal Pushers” now in the audience to watch the float they had worked so hard on go by. We went by an area filled with a deaf audience and had a man signing information to them as he walked along in front of their section with the float.
Given my initial skepticism I was keyed in to the reaction of the crowd to the float. It was amazing. So much cheering — and they were cheering “Jesus”. I saw grown men and women cross themselves, men and women giving the thumbs up sign, yelling “thank you for having this float”, “pray for us, Jesus”, “we love you, Jesus”, “Jesus – you’re the man” and little children smiling and waving to him. There were sullen faces here and there but it was hard to tell if it was because of the cold and having to camp out overnight for their spot or if they had no expression because of worry, unhappiness or fear in their lives. It made me think of what the crowds in the real Jesus’ time must have been like when he came to town. I thought, “this must be what Palm Sunday was like for the disciples following behind Jesus.”
It truly was an incredible, once-in-a-lifetime experience. Probably worth the six hours of gluing dried lima beans onto the float while balancing on a 12 inch board 10 feet above the floor. If you ever need the lima bean queen to return, I’ll be there.
Incredible people to work with – incredible people to ride with – and incredible people to “celebrate Jesus” with! May God bless and work faith in those who saw “Jesus” and the message of the bells.
Have you ever worked as a Petal Pusher? Do you see the Lutheran Hour Ministries Float as a witness opportunity?