LWML History Books
While researching for an article I wrote last week, I was deep into the LWML history books:
- Women on a Mission by Ruth Fritz Meyer, 1967
- Women IN God’s Service, WINGS by Marlys Taege, 1991
- Women In League With the Lord by Marlys Taege Moberg, 2005
The first two listed are now out of print. If you have extras of these lying around the house would you consider sending them to the LWML Office, please? Also, if you are cleaning up a house of a past LWML member who might be downsizing or has gone to her heavenly home, would you consider mailing them in? It’s a great resource for those who are called on to write about our history.

Carolyn Blum
Carolyn Blum, former LWML South Wisconsin District President, former Associate Editor and News Editor for the Lutheran Women’s Quarterly, past LWML Vice President of Organizational Resources, and 75th Anniversary Committee member has taken the job of writing the next history book.
Our LWML history is filled with changes. Even our beginning as an organization was influenced by the changing role of women in society. They were looking outside the sphere of the home and family to become more involved in the work of their church. Missions, foreign and domestic, held their interest. Caring and loving outreach were the interests of others. Still others, gifted as writers, ventured into writing Bible studies and devotions. Pooling resources and focusing on certain joint ventures enhanced the effectiveness of women’s outreach in their church body. Coming together as a national organization gave strength to these initiatives.
As our 75th year anniversary approaches, we must embrace changes within our organization to respond to changes in our church, family life, culture and soccer. (Yes, soccer games on Sunday is one of my bugaboos!) (I’ll probably get some angry emails for saying that!) (I don’t do Twitter!)
Where am I going with this? Oh yes! We have some big changes coming up in LWML. Be prepared, as we step out of our comfort zone and change something.
Through it all Lutheran Women in Mission will continue to represent the church in mission, the all-inclusive mission of serving their fellowman though the preaching of the Gospel and the practical application of that Gospel. May all be done to God’s Glory!