Among Giants
On Thursday, August 26, I traveled to St. Louis to attend a Celebration of Thanksgiving worship service for retiring and current missionaries, and newly trained missionaries just going into the mission field. What an incredible experience to see how God is using these men and women, and their families — these giants — to share His love and mercy around the globe. These missionaries aren’t giants in the sense that they are larger than life, but I am quite sure their faith and courage make them mentors — people I am privileged to admire, respect, and learn from. They aren’t larger than life. They are fellow Lutherans, living out their lives for Christ.
The next day, I attended the installation and inauguration of the 11th President of Concordia Seminary St. Louis, Dr. Thomas Egger. Again, I found myself among giants. I looked around the chapel and saw leaders of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod and faculty members of both seminaries praying for Dr. Egger and all those who will teach and guide the students. I saw men and women that serve the Lord humbly and joyfully. As I celebrated and prayed with this group, I realized their focus was not on themselves, but centered on the cross and the Savior of our souls, Jesus Christ.
The central message, through both Thursday and Friday’s events was Jesus. The central focus was the Word of God and sharing it with others so all may be saved, by the grace of our Lord and Savior.
If I asked you today who your heroes are, I wonder what answers I’d receive. The world looks to sports and film stars, those that are rich, and those that are powerful. I pray that I will always consider those that serve others to be giants. I pray that I will always recognize our military, those in public service, all church workers, those in the medical fields, and those that quietly serve their neighbors as heroes. I am so honored to serve and live among these giants.
I may think about authoring my own dictionary. One of my first definitions will be giants — ordinary people, stepping out in faith, doing extraordinary things in the name and to the glory of God.
Today, and always, we are surrounded by HIS grace,