I’ve just returned from an incredible trip to St. Louis for a number of important events. I was privileged to take our LWML Office staff out for a postponed Christmas celebration dinner. I also recorded (actually, our Digital Marketing Coordinator Jill recorded — I just talked!) the video “Report to the Districts” for our upcoming LWML district convention season this year, and we held our Board of Directors and Presidents Assembly meetings.

Each evening, the board members and I try to spend some time together NOT working on policy or making decisions. We talk about our families, childhood memories, our children, and other subjects that are totally random. We laugh, we pray, and we have become a family centered on Christ.

One night as the stories continued to get more personal — from touching memories of those who are now with Jesus, to telling of embarrassing moments you only share with those you trust —  we belly-laughed so hard I heard someone snort, and say, “You just can’t make this stuff up!”

Our memories make up who we are and how we see the world around us. Isn’t it amazing how we can remember snippets of being a toddler, the scent of Grandpa’s tobacco, and the feel of a soft quilt that Grandma wrapped around us? The capacity and miracle of the human brain do not happen by accident.

How can anyone believe this creation is by chance? We are intricately woven into the person we are. Each memory and each personality trait is a gift from God. He chose the color of my eyes and the sound of my voice. Each of us are unique and special in His eyes. I want to shout to the world, “You just can’t make this up!” You can’t look at this creation and each other and believe this was all by chance.

You, and I, just can’t make this stuff up. No human can explain why we remember some things and not others. No human, studying their whole life, can understand the intricacies of the human brain. If we can’t even figure out the why and how it works, we certainly can’t make this up — only God can! And He did! We know this because He shares creation with us in and through His Word.

When we snorted, “You just can’t make this stuff up” we were talking of simple and funny stories of our past. I love to find simple topics and relate them to God — and I have yet to find any topic that I can’t relate to our Creator. Creation — “stuff” starting from nothing at all — we can’t do that. But our Creator, in His love, made each of us and knows the number of hairs on our heads. I find that simple fact amazing and humbling at the same time. Ponder that, my friends!

Today, and always, we are surrounded by HIS grace, Debbie

Over the holidays, I was blessed to travel with my husband Scott to California to volunteer as a Petal Pusher (a decorator on the Lutheran Hour Ministries (LHM) Tournament of Roses Parade float and other floats in the same warehouse). I was also privileged to ride on the LHM float in the parade. It was amazing to watch the crowd stand in honor of our Savior as we passed. The float was titled “Jesus Teaches” and a local pastor, in costume, portrayed Jesus. It truly was all about Jesus!

I thought I’d begin this blog with something positive because, I admit, I was not in a positive mood on January 2 as we tried to fly home. Flights around the country were delayed or canceled. Our day was a lesson in patience, and mine was used up early in the day. Our flight from Ontario, California to Denver, Colorado was delayed. We arrived around 2:30 p.m. — sat on the tarmac for 40 minutes — no ground crews. Then we waited for luggage for an hour and a half — no ground crews. Our flight from Denver to Colorado Springs was canceled. We rented a car — along with half the people in the airport. Hours (2 ½ to be precise) later we were on our way to the Colorado Springs airport to pick up our car and drive home over the mountain pass.

Our patience had disappeared, and our moods were — not good. So on the way home we made lists of things/people for which we were thankful. The lists were long. Here are just a few:

My list: I was humbled to represent the LWML on the LHM float, thankful for all the wonderful Christians we met as we worked on the floats, thankful I have a husband with more patience than I, thankful our plane made it to Denver and we got our luggage, thankful I wasn’t traveling with small children who were tired and hungry and didn’t understand, thankful that we made it home in one day, and thankful we have a home to which we can return.

Scott’s list: He was thankful we got to fly home together (when flights were canceled they had originally booked us on separate flights), thankful we were reunited with a neighbor from over 40 years ago as we worked on decorating the floats, thankful he has a wife with more patience than he has (hahahaha!), thankful the icy roads had cleared off and we could find a rental car, and thankful for safely arriving home.

Yes, we are both thankful for Jesus! If you’re wondering if I prayed at any time for more patience, I did not. God gave me enough — I just refused to see it. I just got off a phone call with a friend that had a 60 hour experience in airports with many more delays and cancelations. So, as I write this blog I thank God for a lesson in trust, in patience, and in thankfulness. However, I may ask Him to make my next trip a little less eventful!

Today, and always, we are surrounded by HIS grace,


Another calendar year is almost over. Does time pass quickly for you or do the hours seem to crawl along like a sloth crossing the highway? I suppose it depends on what is going on in our lives at the moment I ask such a question of any of you. I know if I’m waiting for family to arrive for a special celebration, time passes slowly. If I’m enjoying time with a friend, time passes quickly. If I’m responding to LWML emails, time flies and it seems I’ve spent hours of the day to my laptop. (This is something I love to do — correspond with my sisters and brothers in Christ!).

I remind myself that we all have the same amount of time — you can’t buy more time. You have what you have been given. Every moment is a gift from God. So many things in this life can be bought, bartered, or borrowed, but not time. You can’t give your time to someone or share the time you’ve been given — or can you? I believe that’s what we do when we serve God by serving others. The time I spend packing Mercy Meals for Orphan Grain Train is time I’m able to give. The time I take to call a friend who has lost a loved one is time I’m able to share.

Yesterday, I found myself judging others and how they spend their time. Yes, I admit to doing this — forgive my sin, oh Lord! The Holy Spirit gently nudged my thoughts as I realized how much time I spend checking Facebook and on other non-essential activities in comparison to how much time I spend in the Word. Ouch ….

I can squander my time or make the most of it — we all make those choices. My priorities are evident through my actions. Today, I am the one who will choose how much time to spend with my Lord. I’m the one who will choose how much time I squander on social media. Tomorrow, I again will choose to spend time wisely or wastefully. With God’s help, I pray I choose wisely!

New Year’s resolutions are one way we express what we’d like our priorities to be. These are resolutions we know in our heart are priorities we should keep. I normally don’t make New Year’s resolutions, but I may this year — and I hope that I will think of them as opportunities to set priorities that will delight my Lord.

Resolution #1: The time I have been given is a precious gift from God and I will give Him thanks each morning for another day to praise His name and share His love. As the Lord grants me a new day, I will put Him first and trust that He will grant me time for everything else that is necessary. I trust He will do the same for you.

A happy and blessed New Year to each of you!

Today, and always, we are surrounded by HIS grace,


I was sitting in church this last Sunday enjoying the festive decorations all around the sanctuary. I smiled as I realized that no matter how we dress up the church, the large cross above the altar continues to appropriately dominate the space. We Christians love our crosses. I have a delicate cross necklace. I’ve seen silver and gold cross jewelry, crosses embroidered on Bible covers, and many lovely wall crosses. The symbol of the cross is beautiful — to those who understand that Christ died in their place, for their redemption.

In biblical times, the cross was certainly not pretty. The practice of crucifixion began long before the Romans perfected this particular cruelty. Thousands of people were subjected to this most brutal and shameful punishment. Our Lord Jesus was not the first or last person to be crucified, but He was sinless and endured the cross — for me — and for you.

I arrived home from church and spent some time researching this reprehensibly cruel sentence. I looked up from my laptop at the Christmas tree. Why on earth would I dwell on this most somber subject during the joyful season of Advent and Christmas? Because, as we celebrate the birth of the Christ child, we must acknowledge He came to earth because of our sin — to be our teacher, our example, and most of all, our Redeemer.

Non-Christians have taken this most holy celebration and embraced it as a secular observation of feasting and gift-giving. Stay strong, my friends. Stay strong in your faith and conviction of the truth. Keep the cross of Christ at the center of every celebration. As we worship the baby Jesus, may we find peace in the hope the Christ child brought to this fallen world. Go ahead and feast. Continue to give gifts to those less fortunate and those you love. Dress up pretty and enjoy Christmas. Celebrate Jesus, who came as a child in a manger, grew to teach the truth, and endured a suffering and death on a cross that was … not pretty. No, to those who understand, the cross is beautiful.

Today, and always, we are surrounded by HIS grace,


In Bible study last Sunday, the pastor recalled a student who wanted to know more than the Scriptures revealed. This student constantly asked questions, seeking to comprehend the mind of God. Our pastor said he finally shouted, “Enough!” I remember listening to my kids argue as they were growing up. They would call it discussion… Sometimes, if the conversation got a little too heated, I’d step in and say, “Enough!” Jesus said, “Enough” to His disciples when He returned (for the third time) in the Garden of Gethsemane to find them sleeping on the night He was betrayed. Maybe He was frustrated with their lack of understanding.

I’m a lot like that student. I want to understand the mind of God. I’m quite sure God tells me “enough” in many ways. “Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!” (Psalm 46:10). Sometimes, when I recall this Bible passage, I think of it as a reprimand. Probably, because I know in my heart I need forgiveness for whatever has been interfering with my priorities. But most of the time, this verse gives me such peace, because I know the Lord is providing assurance that He is Lord of all. I may think I need to know the mind of God, but what I need is to trust and understand God’s will. This is exactly what He gives me through Scripture. Through the incredible gift of His Word, the Lord shares with me — with us — everything necessary for our salvation.

Enough with doubting and worry. Enough with coveting and envy. Jesus has many reasons to shout, “Enough!” Yet, even in my sinfulness and my zeal to know the unknown, my Savior reminds me He IS enough. This Son of God revealed His Father to sinners. He preached, taught, and gathered disciples to share His message after He ascended to heaven. Jesus willingly gave His life, and suffered temporary separation from His Father, to atone for my sins so I may have the assurance of eternal life in heaven. Then, with unwavering love and grace, He sent the Holy Spirit and gave me the ability to trust and believe.

His grace is sufficient for me. For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, (Ephesians 2: 8). The next time I shout “enough” I will recall writing this and think of this word as it pertains to Jesus. This is a perspective worth sharing. My Savior is more than enough!

Today, and always, we are surrounded by HIS grace,


Have you ever been melancholy for no particular reason? I woke this morning looking back at those that have gone to heaven and missing them, thinking of all that is happening in the world and wondering why even Christians don’t act like they belong to the family of God. 

I look forward to what God is trying to tell me each day, as I come into His presence with a cup of coffee in my hand. Especially on those days when I’m a little sad, I’ve taught myself to put away thoughts of what I need to accomplish and ask Him to fill my heart with a peace that only comes from knowing how much I am loved. I block out the laundry, the emails waiting, and the phone calls I need to make — not because I’m so reverent — but because I’m not!

My sister always said I wake up like a piece of popcorn, exploding onto the scene. I used to think she was a “Mary” and I was a “Martha.” She had her priorities right and I seemed to be distracted with too many details. To combat my active “focus disorder,” I begin each morning with Jesus, and He doesn’t seem to mind if I get my coffee first! 

Before I bring my worries and petitions to the Lord, I take time to acknowledge who He is, not for His benefit but for mine. I need to remind myself He is the Lord of all, and nothing happens in my life, or in this world, that He has not ordained. He is worthy of praise, honor, and glory. I like to begin there, praising and glorifying my Lord. Then, I take my cares to Him, knowing who He is and what He has done for me. I ask for His will in my life because I am HIS, bought with the blood of His Son, and I am precious in His sight.

Praising my Savior and Lord takes the sadness right out of me! 

Is it OK to be melancholy? Yes. Is it OK to run to Jesus and ask for help before praising His name? Yes. Is it OK to cry out in anger and ask Him to heal me? Yes. When I realize He can see into my heart, I have no reason to hide my frustrations, or my sadness, or my fears. Because He already knows them, He just wants me to know He knows. He knows! He cares! He’s waiting to listen and talk to me! He’s waiting to listen and talk to you also. Join me each morning (and throughout the day!) as we bring our troubles to the One who cares beyond our comprehension. Today, and every day, I am lifted by Jesus — into HIS arms. And there is room for you there, too!

Today, and always, we are surrounded by HIS grace,


While visiting with old friends, the conversation turned to memories of our younger years. None of us grew up in families that were well-off financially. Our mothers sewed our clothes and hand-me-down winter coats and boots were the norm. As we talked, my first thought was that we grew up quite poor. Then I realized it was just the opposite. We all grew up rich! We were rich in our faith, in love and family, and even in material blessings.

I grew up knowing that Jesus loves me. I was asked once when it was that I realized I was precious in His sight, and I listened to others share how they became Christians. I was baptized as an infant. I have always known I am a child of God. Yes — definitely, rich in faith!

I am so thankful for the gift of my parents, siblings, and extended family. I realize so many were not blessed with a home filled with love and laughter. Oh, we had squabbles. I’m quite sure I was a little monster at times. I’m also quite sure that Mom and Dad didn’t always agree — but my memories of my childhood are filled with love, forgiveness, and joy. I truly grew up rich in love and family.

There wasn’t a week that went by that didn’t bring extra people to our dinner table. Neighbors or relatives would stop by, and even complete strangers who drove into the yard to ask for directions — all were asked to stay for dinner. There was always enough food for us and our guests. We slept in a cozy house, had shoes on our feet, and joy in our hearts. Material blessings overflowed and I am thankful.

I look back and realize I grew up rich — rich in all that the Lord has provided. As His children, we are given what we need. I will choose one passage from Scripture to illustrate this point, but I know you can also share many others. I love these words and know they will give you comfort and joy, too.

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. In lovehe predestined us for adoption to himself as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will,to the praise of his glorious grace, with which he has blessed us in the Beloved. In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace, which he lavished upon us, in all wisdom and insight making known to us the mystery of his will, according to his purpose, which he set forth in Christas a plan for the fullness of time, to unite all things in him, things in heaven and things on earth.

In him we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to the purpose of him who works all things according to the counsel of his will, so that we who were the first to hope in Christ might be to the praise of his glory.  In him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, who is the guaranteeof our inheritance until we acquire possession of it, to the praise of his glory (Ephesians 1:3–14).

As Lutheran Women in Mission, join me in thanking God for the riches He has showered upon us!

Today, and always, we are surrounded by HIS grace,


We’ve all heard the phrase, “Stay tuned.” Often, I hear it when I’m watching television. “Stay tuned for an important update.” “Stay tuned for a preview of next week’s show.” It’s a phrase used to keep you watching or listening. I think it’s a phrase we should be using when it comes to reading and living the Scriptures.

I had a boss that expected her employees to go over and above their regular responsibilities. I was OK with that. As a tour operator, I was sometimes expected to attend and present at events in the evenings. I enjoyed this aspect of my job but I also enjoyed and participated in several Bible studies each week. My boss tried to be understanding but at one point asked me, “When are these studies going to end? When will you be available on a regular basis?” I replied, “Oh, I believe the more you study and understand the Bible, the more you want to know, and the more time you want to spend in His Word.” That’s not what she wanted to hear at all!

I’m sure you will agree with me — when you are given a gift as precious as the very Word of God you can’t help but want to spend time understanding the truths He shares, the joy His promises give, and the peace that comes from knowing you are His child.

But wait – there’s more!” This phrase is another gimmick used by the advertising industry. This is also another promise given by our Father as we read Scripture. As I listen to the news, I am reminded of the urgency to share God’s message of hope and forgiveness. In this world filled with hurt, it would be devastating to think this was all there is — Jesus promises us, as His children, that there is so much more — we live in His grace and look forward to an eternity in heaven. Like a discovery too good to keep to ourselves, we need to shout and sing about the hope found in Jesus.

Stay tuned — the best is yet to come!

Today, and always, we are surrounded by HIS grace, Debbie

Last week, I was sitting on the couch enjoying a second cup of coffee when I heard the tractor start. Wonderful — Scott was already unloading the trailer of logs to be split for firewood for our winter fires. Well, I wasn’t going to miss out on that! I jumped up, threw on the clothes I wore the day before, grabbed the closest pair of shoes, work gloves, and a jacket, and headed outside.

There are few sites as beautiful as a morning in the Colorado Rockies. We had rain the night before, so there was dew on the grass and on the ponderosa pines. Normally, in this dry climate, we don’t see dew in the morning, so it was a rare treat. The jacket lasted about 10 minutes before it was thrown off. Yes, it was work, but I found it to be exhilarating. It’s nice to enjoy the autumn season and the crisp temperatures but it’s also fun to imagine our morning fires any day the temperatures dips below freezing.

We live on a ranch. There are cattle on the property, but they are owned by a neighbor rancher who rents out the land for grazing. I enjoy seeing the cows around the ranch and watching the calves play. On occasion, we chase them out of our front yard.

I grew up on a farm in North Dakota and I do know how hard my parents worked. I understand farming. We had cattle, horses, sheep, and chickens. I had chores around the house and gardens, and a few chores around the barns, especially during lambing season. My life now is vastly different, even if we live on a ranch.

Scott helps maintain the ranch roads in the winter but that is the extent of “working the ranch” for Scott. He keeps busy finishing the construction of the shop, replenishing our supply of firewood, and completing all the projects I put on the “honey-do” list. For the most part, my ranch life is porch life! I love sitting on the porch under the aspens,
enjoying the mountain views, watching the deer, the cows, an occasional bear, and listening to the coyotes howl in the evenings.

So, a little log hauling and splitting is a very good thing. This is our life living on the ranch. We love it and we are blessed! There is no point to this blog. I’m just feeling very thankful. I hope you will look at your life and find a multitude of reasons to be thankful to our God also!

Today, and always, we are surrounded by HIS grace,

I was blessed to attend the LWML Rocky Mountain District Retreat last weekend, with author Deb Burma leading sessions from her newly published Bible study, Be Still & Know. Approximately 50 women (and one pastoral counselor!) came to enjoy this study of God’s Word. I don’t believe I’ve ever attended a Bible study where I didn’t learn something new and find inspiration. The photo with this blog was a view from the deck of the lodge — this alone was inspirational! I’d like to share with you some of those insights and hope you find them as enlightening as I have.

Deb Burma asked the group, “Are you in the midst of a storm or between storms?” Isn’t that true? In this life, storms are inevitable and ongoing. Many storms are naturally occurring, and many are caused by man — all are allowed by our Father for our benefit. What? Yes, God allows storms in our life to strengthen our faith and to teach us to trust our Savior in all things.

One participant said she doesn’t ask why she’s been placed in a particular situation. She asks, “What is it God would like me to learn?” I’m not always that mature in my faith! I often shout, “Why, God?” Listening to women like this beautiful lady inspires me to look at every storm in a new light.

Deb continued by explaining that when God, in Psalm 46:10a, says, “Be still,” He is not commanding us with a heavy hand, but issuing a grace-filled invitation to rest in Him. How wonderful to be invited to come before our Savior and rest at His feet! Jesus may not take our storms away, but He is our refuge and our strength.

I’d rather have calm seas and smooth sailing than storms, wouldn’t you? I’m quite sure I bring many storms upon myself! But as long as I am not alone, I can endure the assault of the world, the barrage of criticism, and the downpour of overextending myself. Yet I am not alone, for the Father is with me (John 16:32b).

Take time to “Be still.” Rest at the Lord’s feet right now — in the midst of a storm or between storms — find refuge in God!

Today, and always, we are surrounded by HIS grace,

“Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations. I will be exalted in the
earth!” .

Psalm 46:10