I returned home Saturday night after a very busy, fruitful week in St. Louis with the LWML Board of Directors, to a reminder on my laptop that my blog is to be posted Monday. Yikes! The hours had been filled with agendas, strategies, and planning, and I hadn’t even thought about my blog. What do you do when you find you need inspiration? I went to God. He has not failed to show me how He is working in my life.

Sunday morning at church, Rev. Ron Baker’s sermon was titled, “Wash Your Hands” and I was inspired with the following thoughts that I will share with anyone who cares to continue reading.

How many times in your young life did you hear someone say, “Wash your hands?” I was raised on a farm and, as I walked through the door Mom would often shout that phrase. As I grew up, I realized that our home, with a family of seven living in a small farmhouse, was often crowded and messy, but it was always clean — dusted, scrubbed, and sanitized.

Rev. Baker, during his children’s message, talked about washing our hands and then asked the group of children how they clean their heart. He pulled out a toothbrush and asked the kids if that is what they used to wash their heart. They said no. “Well,” he continued, “What about this, (a scrub brush) or this, (a sponge), or this?” (a bottle of sanitizer), and the kids thought maybe Pastor really didn’t know! “We can’t clean our hearts.” Pastor said. “Jesus cleans our hearts! He did that for each of us in baptism.”

Baptism literally means “to immerse.” In Biblical times there was a ceremonial cleansing, but in our baptism, water, together with God’s Word, offers us the miracle of washing away our sins and bringing us into His family. We become His children with all the privileges of belonging to the family of God.

As we continue to live through this pandemic, we are constantly reminded to wash our hands. Liquid soap, bar soap, and hand sanitizer sales remain high. We should be mindful of protecting ourselves and our loved ones from germs and viruses, but let’s always prioritize guarding our hearts against Satan.

We wash our hands using tools such as soap and brushes. I am thinking most everyone reading this has been baptized. Hands get dirty over and over. How do we guard our hearts? God provided the gift of baptism, and He continues to bless us with the gift of His Word. This is a “tool” we need to employ constantly. The Bible points us to Christ, gives us guidance for our lives, inspires us to pray and praise our Father, equips us in witnessing and listening, and teaches us patience and boldness. It’s our weapon against sin, death, and the power of the devil.

I heard this quote but can’t verify the author, “You can live without soap but not without hope!” Wash your hands, my friends — but more importantly, be in the Word.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.

Romans 15:13

Today, and always, we are surrounded by HIS grace,

Have you ever peeled a boiled egg? Did the shell come off easily — or did you have to torture the egg and massacre its lovely white exterior?

Scott and I have eggs each morning. Most of the time I scramble or fry the eggs but we both like boiled eggs. Some days the process of peeling the egg is a smooth one and I sit down to enjoy a perfectly peeled egg with no scars on its smooth white surface. Sometimes the shell, though cracked into a thousand pieces, refuses to part from the membrane.

This morning was not one of the smooth days. By the time I had gotten all of the shell off, I had less than half the egg in my hand. I voiced my frustration and Scott, peeling his eggs beside me, snickered. He snickered! “What is so funny?!” I asked. He replied, “Nothing — you want me to do that for you?” “No!” I replied, “I want it to come off smoothly!”

Life is sometimes like peeling an egg. I wake in the morning with ideas and good intentions and sometimes everything goes smoothly. Sometimes life happens and I don’t accomplish even half of what I set out to do. If I give a project all I’ve got, maintain integrity, and still fail to deliver good results, will God look at my efforts as a poorly peeled egg and ask that I begin again? — or will He see that I’ve done my best and, though imperfect, He will use what I’ve done for His glory and say, Well done, good and faithful servant (Matthew 25:21a). I believe we all have the wonderful privilege of serving and sharing Christ. I will continue to hope for days that go smoothly, but I will trust that God will smile on all my efforts that strive to bring Him glory.

What kind of egg are you having today?

And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

(Colossians 3:17)

Today, and always, we are surrounded by HIS grace,

I often wonder how you go about requesting a national day of “something.” As I browse social media, I am amazed at the array of designations. A few of my favorites (or ones that caught my attention) have been National Taco Day, National Read a Road Map Day, and National Sneak Some Zucchini Onto Your Neighbor’s Porch Day.

I found this when I Googled the subject: only an official act of the legislature or government can make a holiday a national day. But it’s possible, in fact very easy, to declare a national day in recognition of something, even if it’s totally silly. All one needs to do to register the special day is to send an application to the people at the National Day Calendar website.

I hope everyone who reads this understands just because you see it on the internet, doesn’t mean it’s so! The preceding paragraph may be true, and I would guess there is a fee — but I’m not interested enough to do any research.

I think I will just come up with my own list and put them on my family’s calendars. I’ll begin with a National Pick Up the Phone and Call Your Parents Day. Then I’ll continue with National Pray for Your Parents and Children Day, National Take a Nap Day, National I’ll Do It Tomorrow Day, and National Do Something Kind for Your Neighbor Day.

This could be fun. I’ll need to make sure my ideas are filled with variety, laughter, and unexpected surprises. I enjoy keeping my family guessing about what I’ll come up with next. I think they’ll get into this project and come up with some good designations on their own.

Today — I declare it to be “National Make God Smile Day!” And now, with the help of the Holy Spirit, I will do my best to make the Lord smile down on me as I go about my chores, thanking Him for each opportunity to share His love.

If you have a great idea for a national day designation, just declare it so, and go a little silly! I’m already looking forward to tomorrow, which I am going to declare “National Eat the Whole Container of Ice Cream Day!”

P.S. There’s obviously no point to this blog. It’s just a bit of wit!
Today, and always, we are surrounded by HIS grace,

Everywhere I go — in Lexington at the LWML convention, at the grocery store, in church, at a restaurant — I hear people saying, “Isn’t it wonderful to get back to normal? No mask and no social distancing!” In many parts of the country, restrictions have been lifted, and we have embraced life as it was before COVID-19. Our lives are getting back to normal. But do we want our lives to get back to normal?

The word “normal” can be defined as “conforming to the standard.” As Christians, we trust in the promises God gives to His people in the Bible and live our lives accordingly. Romans 12:2 states Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Do we want to pretend that the pandemic is over and we can just resume our lives as if it didn’t happen? Please understand; I am well aware that COVID-19 is still a real threat to many in this country and around the world. It’s still an extremely dangerous virus. So we cannot pretend it has not touched every one of us. Let’s learn from the experience of self-isolating, respecting the concerns of others, and appreciating those who worked through the pandemic, putting their lives on the line for strangers. We certainly need to remember all those families who lost loved ones and all those who will have long-term effects from contracting the virus. Let’s remember, learn, and look for God’s hand in challenging times.

I thank God for technology; we had no choice but to embrace it! I thank God for the creativity of my sisters in Christ who found inventive ways to stay in the Word and share His message with others. They continued serving those who were in need and gave to missions without hesitation, trusting that God would provide. And He did — and He still does!

Yes, it’s really nice to return to a more normal life without masks and social distancing, but let’s thank God in every circumstance — even during a pandemic because for Christians, Jesus is our normal even in abnormal times. As we remember the isolation and the suffering of so many, let’s appreciate that, through it all, we were never alone. Christ has been with us and continues to be with us. Our LWML convention theme was “Running the Race … Looking to Jesus.” As our opening worship proclaimer, Rev. Dr. David Maier, reminded us, “We are all in the race, but we are never in the lead. We follow Jesus!” I will, each morning, pray that my “normal” is to follow Jesus and trust in His promises. Let’s all make that our “normal!”

Today, and always, we are surrounded by HIS grace,

The LWML 39th Biennial Convention is over. We met in Lexington, Kentucky, together, “Running the Race … Looking to Jesus.” All those who planned and worked to make this gathering a convention that honored and praised Jesus are happy — but very tired. Many participants are still on their way back home. Travel safely, everyone.

I loved so much about the convention. I loved how the women of the LWML continue to put Christ at the center of all they do. I loved being able to meet face to face after so long apart. I loved seeing old friends and meeting new sisters and brothers in Christ. I loved the inspirational messages from missionaries and could understand the mercy and hope of Jesus that they spread around the world. I loved worshipping together as one body, praising one true God.

If you were not able to attend, I hope you were able to watch the convention sessions that were live-streamed. I pray you felt the joy we experienced throughout the proceedings. (These were recorded and will be available for you to view if you missed watching live).

So, what now? Our race continues! God provides all that we need as we run the race to His glory. Yes, He even provides us with rest! In peace I will both lie down and sleep; for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety (Psalm 4:8).

We do not know what God’s plans are for us in this world, but we know He has our best interests in His heart. In Exodus, Moses needed reassurance and went to God. And God said to Moses, “My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest” (Exodus 33:14).

Today, I am still in Lexington. Scott and I are enjoying a trip to the Ark Encounter where we will see a full-sized Noah’s Ark, built according to the dimensions given in the Bible. Moses ran the race, looking to God. Noah ran the race, trusting in the Father. Today and every day, we trust in the Lord as our race continues.

Today, and always, we are surrounded by HIS grace,

“Now that you’ve had a drink, oh what a time to think,
‘Wow! I could have had a V8!’”

Remember that commercial from the 1970s? The producers of this drink wanted you to think of having a V8 before you had something else.

Every time I remember that commercial, I think about how I often plow headlong into solving a situation before I consult God. This is what I hum to myself:
“I feel like I’m going to sink. Oh what a time to think,
‘Wow! I should have prayed!’”

God’s saving grace is that it is never too late to bring my concerns to Him in prayer. It’s always a good time to pray! Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you (1 Thessalonians 5:16–18).

In less than a week, I will be in Lexington, Kentucky, making last-minute preparations for the LWML convention. For months, the LWML Board of Directors (BOD) prayed for God’s will for this gathering. We did not know if we would be able to hold a convention in-person or if we’d need to meet virtually. God knew His plan for this convention. Nothing that has happened in the last year is a surprise to our Father in heaven. Our role is to trust His guidance, “Running the
Race … Looking to Jesus.”

I am so blessed to serve with this BOD and all Lutheran Women in Mission across the United States. We, by the grace of God, are prayer warriors. By faith, we know God is in control.
“We will meet face to face, covered by God’s own grace.
Wow! I’m so glad we pray!”

And we will continue to pray and trust in the Father. We will continue “Running the Race …
Looking to Jesus!”
See you in Lexington!

Today, and always, we are surrounded by HIS grace,

The most wonderful places in the world are in someone’s thoughts, in someone’s prayers, and in someone’s heart.

Memorial Day is a day to commemorate those men and women who have given their lives while serving their country in the military. On this Memorial Day, I pray for every family that has lost loved ones in this manner. I ask God to bring them peace. I pray that He would help them to understand the importance of the military and the role that their loved ones played in the protection of the United States and its citizens. I also pray for all those serving today, that they find dignity in their duties and that God keeps them safe.

My father served in the U.S. Navy in Hawaii, and my father-in-law served in Korea. I don’t think anyone returns from military service without scars. Emotional trauma runs deep. Healing is often impeded because those scars are not visible. Today, I pray for all those suffering emotionally from their past military duty. May our gracious Lord help them find forgiveness at the foot of the cross and find dignity in their past service.

I thank God that I live in the United States of America. I thank Him for our military and their protection. I thank God that we are given this opportunity to honor those that have served or continue to serve in the military.

The most wonderful places in the world are in someone’s thoughts, in someone’s prayers, and in someone’s heart. Today I pray, remember, and honor those who have kept our country free. I ask that you would take time today to join me in praying for this United States of America and its military.

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go”.

Joshua 1:9

Today, and always, we are surrounded by HIS grace,

I snore. I suppose that’s not something anyone cares to admit, and it is not considered very ladylike. I really don’t mind. I’m not awake, and I hear none of it! My husband says he doesn’t notice, but my sisters won’t sleep in the same room with me when we have family get-togethers.

I also have been known to snort while laughing uncontrollably. I talk too loud and am easily distracted. I prefer t-shirts and sweatpants to suits and dresses. I guess I’m really not very presidential — but, here I am, the LWML President, chosen by the Lord to lead the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League. I have been known to turn to my husband and exclaim, “What was God thinking?!”

For the most part, I don’t question God and His decisions. I know it was God’s plan, and I embrace this responsibility with humility and honor. God has declared me useful, forgiven by the blood of the Lamb, and He has given me the privilege of serving Him in this position. In addition, He has surrounded me with men and women who lift me up, pray for me, serve beside me, and hold me accountable. What an incredible privilege I have been given!

Why am I sharing my imperfections with you? Because I believe that, if God can use me in His service — He can also most certainly use you. He loves us, forgives us, and equips us with His Word. We truly can rest in the truth that we are HIS — Held by His Word; Inspired to share His message; and Surrounded by His grace.

How will the Lord use me to reflect His love today? How will He use you to share His Gospel with others? For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you (Jeremiah 29:11–12).

My prayer is that my heart is always open to His direction and that my imperfections only show His strength. But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me (2 Corinthians 12:9). When God calls you and me — imperfections and all — we can say, “Here am I! Send me” (Isaiah 6:8).

Today, and always, we are surrounded by HIS grace,

Do you like riding roller coasters? It’s been a while, but when we lived in Houston, Texas, we spent a lot of time at an amusement park with our two kids. They loved roller coasters and so did I. Over and over again we rode high and low, slowing down as we would near the top and pitching forward in a race to the bottom.

On April 9, I received an email that the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) was nearing 2,000 registrations for the LWML Convention in Lexington, in June. Until further notice, due to COVID-19 restrictions, the state of Kentucky has limited attendance for us to 2,000 attendees. Thoughts and questions filled my mind. What do we do? We don’t want to disappoint anyone interested in attending! We must allow all delegates to register. Have all our speakers and special guests registered? Hard decisions intermingle with thoughts of insecurity. It’s another challenge to pray about; another reason to seek our Lord’s counsel.

I feel like the whole world has been on a roller coaster of feelings, decisions, and uncertainty — and this surely has not been a ride we asked for or wanted. COVID-19 has heightened the stress level of the whole country. Through it all, Jesus rides the roller coaster with us. I can’t even imagine surviving each day without the certainty of faith.

It’s easy to blame COVID -19 for our problems, and it’s sometimes difficult to continue “Running the Race … Looking to Jesus” (our theme for this convention), but through all the highs and lows of this life, our Lord remains constant and in control. I believe Jesus holds us tight in difficult situations and celebrates with us on the mountain tops. I also know that one of the great gifts He has given us is each other — our sisters and brothers in Christ. You all keep me accountable and encouraged. Thank you!

I have been lying awake at night, asking God what He would like me to learn from this new challenge and how others will be served and hear His message of salvation. I ask the Lord to show me how situations that I may see as roadblocks, now may open new opportunities to share His message. Stay tuned, because I have every confidence that He will lead the LWML and me as we continue to focus on serving the risen Savior!

Please pray boldly for this convention that Jesus is the reason for what we do and how we live. Whether you are able to come to Lexington or plan to participate via livestream with your local groups, we will strive to honor our Lord and Savior.

Today, and always, we are surrounded by HIS grace,

Scott and I are enjoying a family holiday. On March 28, we flew from Colorado Springs, Colorado, to Roanoke, Virginia, where my youngest sister and her family live. My mother has been living with them each winter for the past four years and is now living there full time. We spent a most enjoyable four days reminiscing and making new memories. We then rented a Jeep and drove 10 hours to St. Augustine, Florida, to meet my son and his family at an Airbnb during their Easter break. After months apart, this time with family fills my heart with joy. As I write this, I am still in Florida. These are a few of my musings.

  • When you get together with family it’s like we’ve not been apart (except, now I am the shortest member of the Larson family).
  • Laughing is good for the soul and family is a gift from God.
  • Family vacations may not be relaxing but I can rest when I get home.
  • It’s best not to discuss politics.
  • Time goes too fast. Treasure each moment.
  • There is beauty in every corner of this world.
  • There is such a thing as too much ice cream!
  • Love continues to multiply and there’s always room for more.
  • There is no such thing as too many hugs.
  • Feelings don’t need to be reasonable. They need to be respected.
  • I sleep better in my own bed.
  • Hurts heal and anger fades when Jesus is your Lord.
  • I don’t feel as old as my grandchildren think I am.
  • Technology connects loved ones who can’t be together in person.
  • But it’s better when we’re together.

That’s all for now. I smell the coffee brewing. It’s family time!

Today, and always, we are surrounded by HIS grace,