I have tried to write this today without crying and I think I’ll just give up and write through tears. Please understand, these are humble, happy tears!

Last week I received a large box delivered to my home. It was sent by last biennium’s Growth and Development Chairman Crystal Miller. As Vice President of Organizational Resources (2015-2019), I served with three committees: Leadership Development (Chairman Susan Brunkow), Growth and Development, and Structure (Chairman Arlene Naasz). The incredible ladies on these committees, spearheaded by Crystal, collaborated on a gift for me that brings tears of joy to my eyes. Stretched out in canvas on this wall hanging are photos of each of their hands praying for me!

I immediately took down a large picture in my dining room and hung this one. (OK, I didn’t do it … my husband, Scott, did. I can’t hang a straight picture for the life of me!) This gift has touched my heart like few others. You see, even though this gift is tangible, I see it as servant hearts praying for me as I serve the Lord in the LWML. I see women who love the Lord, women who seek His wisdom and praise Him for His mercies; women who put everything, including the LWML, in His hands. This is what I see when my eyes and my heart look at this canvas.

I know women across the United States pray for me daily. This is a humbling and comforting thought. Please know that I pray for all of you, too, on a daily basis. What an honor to kneel before our Maker, knowing He listens and answers. Thy will be done, oh Lord!

I thank my God always when I remember you in my prayers (Philemon 1:4).

Today, and always, we are surrounded by God’s grace,


Scott and I arrived home to Colorado late last Tuesday evening. I stepped out of the vehicle and breathed in the scents of sage and pine. We had driven through thunderstorms and watched lightening race across the sky. The clouds had parted and the stars were shining. We live in a gated ranch community in the heart of the Rocky Mountains and, each time I drive through the gate, I am quite sure my stress level drops. Oh, how I love coming home!

Scott’s father had been struggling for several months and he died peacefully in his sleep early on Sunday morning, August 11th. The memorial service was held in Bemidji, Minnesota, on Saturday, August 17th. Lloyd has gone home to be with Jesus. With family and friends, we celebrated Lloyd’s life but the real celebration was the fact that we will see him again in heaven.

Our Father has set us on this earth to be His missionaries and spread His message of salvation to all those who do not know that He is the only way to eternal life in heaven. We are here to bring glory to the Lord. I count it an honor and a privilege to serve Him in this way. At the same time I want to remember this is not my home (referencing 2 Corinthians 5). As much as I love my home in Colorado, and as much as I loved my home in North Dakota when I was a child, I look forward to meeting Jesus face to face.

I love to travel. I love to visit friends and family. I love to see and experience new things and places. Yet there is always a great feeling of peace when I come home. As we mourn the loss of Scott’s father, we know he is at peace because he is home, really home. He is with Jesus and we will join him some day. 

This is why we, as Lutheran Women in Mission, share Jesus. This is why we serve others and give to missions. We are His missionaries and we spread His message of salvation … so all may know Jesus and go home!

Today, and always, we are surrounded by God’s grace,


Waves, Water, and the Wonder of the Word

Today, I travel to St. Louis in preparation for this week’s meetings with the LWML Board of Directors. For the last 10 days, I’ve been in Minnesota at my husband’s childhood lake home. I spent much time working and preparing for this upcoming meeting but I was blessed to spend it looking out at a beautiful, clear, Minnesota lake. I listened to the waves hit the shore, smelled the fresh breeze, and felt the peace of God that is so evident in nature.

I’ve read analogies of Christianity and waves. Like waves wash the sand from my feet, I know my sins are washed away by the sacrifice of my Savior. Or I think of my sins as crashing waves causing me to sink into the depths and I find comfort in knowing my Lifeboat. As I looked out at the lake, I saw the sun’s reflections, like diamonds dancing across the surface of the water and I thought of Jesus speaking to the woman at the well in John, chapter 4. What Jesus offered to her, He offers to us — “living water”. 

It’s been a challenging month as I’ve navigated the transitions of my last position and my new position in LWML. Scott and I have traveled (over 8,000 miles) back and forth to family, and I have traveled to the LCMS Convention in Tampa, Florida, and to St. Louis, Missouri. There have been waves, at times overwhelming waves, and yet God has kept us safe in His arms through every mile. Each day I find my Lord speaks to me through His Word. Each day I gratefully receive His “living water” and thank Him for the joy I experience in service to Him in LWML. Yup, sometimes I see the waves as a challenge and sometimes I see them as a cleansing of the soul as the Holy Spirit guides me.

A large part of my faith journey has taken place alongside the women and men of LWML. This organization can play a vital part in your life as well. Come, ride the waves with me and look for where God will use you and your unique gifts to serve, learn, and belong. 

Today, and always, we are surrounded by God’s grace,


My twin grandsons, Brenden and Logan (12 years old), have come to visit and I’m watching them head out to the tree fort they built with Grandpa Scott last summer. The sun is shining and the air smells of pine and sage. It’s so easy to see the blessings of God on days like this.

The first of July, after a family reunion (my side) in North Dakota, we traveled to Bemidji, Minnesota, to visit Scott’s parents. Scott’s father, Lloyd, is in the last stages of his life. He is frail. It’s difficult to watch as a once spirited man finds no joy in this life. He is ready to be with Jesus in heaven. I look for the blessings of God in situations like this.

The first of July, after a family reunion (my side) in North Dakota, we traveled to Bemidji, Minnesota, to visit Scott’s parents. Scott’s father, Lloyd, is in the last stages of his life. He is frail. It’s difficult to watch as a once spirited man finds no joy in this life. He is ready to be with Jesus in heaven. I look for the blessings of God in situations like this.

And so, today I ponder the stages of our lives. My grandchildren, children, Scott and I, and our parents are all experiencing this life at different stages. Through it all our God reigns! Through every stage He is with us. “I, the Lord, have called you in righteousness; I will take hold of your hand” (Isaiah 42:6a). What peace this blessing of God brings to me.

Last week, I transitioned with Past LWML President Patti Ross in St. Louis. Hers will be big shoes to fill but I was blessed as she generously shared insight and encouragement. I spent time with the LWML Office staff and with LCMS leaders exploring opportunities to glorify our Lord and serve Him by serving His people. Next week I will travel to Tampa, Florida, for the LCMS Convention and God will shower blessings on those who put Him at the center of their lives. This is a new stage in my life and, each morning, my prayer is to let God use me to His glory, recognizing His blessings and sharing Christ at every opportunity.

What stage of life do you find yourself in today? How is God blessing you through the events in your life? God blesses His people in all circumstances!

Today, and always, we are surrounded by God’s grace,


That’s been my theme over the past four years while serving you as LWML President. As you read this I am already in Mobile for our convention this week. Monday in Mobile, the Convention Planning Committee meets in the morning. In the afternoon, the Executive Committee will meet to review the Strategic Plan goals and objectives and then start their pre-convention meeting. Tuesday afternoon the rest of the Board of Directors comes in and the board meeting starts. Wednesday, the Board meeting continues and registration opens and the exhibit hall is set up with 70 exhibitors. Thursday convention begins in earnest!

Amidst all the hustle and bustle will be some times of difficult good by’s by the outgoing board members who have been together for four years — four years of changes, challenges, questions, answers, highs, lows, discouragement, encouragement, learning, discerning, diplomacy, tolerance, togetherness, appreciation. The list goes on and on. When we talk about LWML sisterhood, it is SO evident in the emotional bonding that takes place as we work together.

We have worked in order to serve Jesus. We are sinners, being perfect is not a job requirement in LWML. Our imperfections many times served to God’s Glory as He worked through imperfect women to achieve His purposes. We thank all our LWML sisters for their patience, flexibility, love, and encouragement over the past four years which you have given to us. It has been a privilege to serve LWML and Jesus.

I especially want to recognize and thank these outgoing LWML leaders who I’ve worked so closely with.

Michelle Zollinger, PR Director; Leslie Jaseph, Meeting Manager; Carol von Soosten, Strategic Plan Facilitator; Debbie Larson, VP of Organizational Resources; Kaye Wolff, VP Special Focus Ministries; Marilyn Schroeder, Treasurer; Rev. Robert Mundahl, Senior Pastoral Counselor.

Please continue to engage the women of our church in mission opportunities and the Word. Remember to encourage women, church workers, and missionaries. Equip yourselves with knowledge of missions and the Word of God. Enjoy your work for the Lord and let it put a smile on your face and in your heart.

Love, Patti

For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them Ephesians 2:8-10.

Serve the Lord with Gladness!

This past Sunday was the celebration of Pentecost. At our church we also had a blessing for all those going to convention in Mobile next week, June 20-23. It really fit together well. Pentecost and the giving of the Holy Spirit to the church and our convention, which is focused on spreading the Gospel worldwide. The logo for Mobile is a globe with a heart around it signifying God’s love for the people of the world and it converges right over Mobile, Alabama.

The poetry of our hymns is so rich! This particular hymn spoke to me as a prayer to the Holy Spirit. One that I plan to copy and use during convention preparations which will be crazy busy this week. I hope you will pray it with me and pray for the inspiration of the Holy Spirit in Mobile during convention, “In Praise to the LORD!”

Come, Holy Ghost, God and Lord, with all Your graces now outpoured on each believer’s mind and heart; Your fervent love to them impart. Lord, by the brightness of Your light In holy faith Your Church unite; From every land and every tongue this to your praise, O Lord, our God, be sung: Alleluia, Alleluia!

Come, holy Light, guide divine, now cause the Word of life to shine. Teach us to know our God aright and call Him Father with delight. From every error keep us free; Let none but Christ our master be, that we in living faith abide, in Him, our Lord, with all our might confide. Alleluia, alleluia!

Come, holy Fire, comfort true, grant us the will Your work to do and in Your service to abide; Let trials turn us not aside. Lord, by Your power prepare each heart, and to our weakness strength impart that bravely here we may contend, through life and death to You, our Lord, ascend. Alleluia, alleluia!

LSB 497

Collect for Pentecost Eve

Almighty and ever-living God, You fulfilled Your promise by sending the gift of the Holy Spirit to unite disciples of all nations in the cross and resurrection of Your Son, Jesus Christ. By the preaching of the Gospel spread this gift to the ends of the earth; through the same Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen


I’m going to bring my butterfly quilt to convention and hang it up by the LWML Magnolia Market store in the Exhibit Hall. I hope you will come by and see it. It’s quite remarkable.

This beautiful quilt was designed and the top constructed by then LWML Nebraska North District President Crystal Miller. It was then machine quilted with the butterfly stitching. Crystal worked on this quilt on and off for two years. The inspiration was from a painting and the Butterfly E’s that LWML I have  used as my personal logo.

The quilt was presented to me by the LWML District Presidents who served in 2014-2018. All the DPs from the 40 districts serving at the time contributed four cotton fabric fat quarters each. Some of each fabric was used. All forty DPs at the time also signed it.

There are around 400 butterflies if you include those in the quilting stitches. Rev. Mundahl and Rev. Schuessler undertook the challenge of counting them. Look closely to see the new LWML logo and the 2017 Albuquerque LWML Convention logo quilted into the corners.

Look for Crystal here at the LWML Growth and Development Committee exhibit booth. I know you will want to tell her how beautiful it is.

When I look at it I think of all the beautiful women I have known while serving as LWML President. That part of the job I will miss very much! I hope we can stay in touch after this convention concludes my time as President.

Love, Patti

P.S. I’m bringing my own pillow, too!

It’s that wonderful time of the year that we gather with relatives and friends to view and celebrate accomplishments. So far I have been to one band concert, one dance recital, one piano recital, received graduation invitations from four people and have a wedding in Dallas next weekend.

I know many of you have double or quadruple that number of events. What a blessing! In our technical world it still means a lot to go in person and support people. It may be a little inconvenient for you to make the effort but you need to be there. You never know how that might be remembered in the future or appreciated in the present. It’s also a great time to remind those with whom you are celebrating that God has blessed them with special gifts and will give them opportunities to use those gifts in service to His people. They are special! You are special!

It’s also a wonderful time of our LWML year as we get ready to have our LWML convention in Mobile, Alabama. The Host Committee is made up of intrepid volunteers from the three hosting districts, LWML Gulf States, LWML Louisiana-Mississippi and LWML Florida-Georgia. It takes about 500 volunteers to put on the convention doing pre-convention, convention, and post-convention work on everything from airport greeters to banquet seating ushers. We met via Zoom meeting this past Saturday for a Host Committee leaders’ last meeting before convention for 3.5 hours.

These hard-working, dedicated LWML volunteers will want you to come and view and celebrate their accomplishments at the Mobile Convention June 20-23. Your presence will mean a lot to them and will encourage them in their LWML mission work long after convention is over. They are special! You are special as a delegate, a YWR, a Heart to Heart Sister, a first-timer, an exhibitor, a mission speaker, or a general registrant.

I had an Erma Bombeck quote on my frig while raising my kids. “Being a mother means you have to show up”. Could we also say, “Being an LWML woman in mission means you have to show up”?

Enjoy all your celebrations and come celebrate the works of the Lord in Mobile as we meet “In Praise to the LORD!”

Love, Patti

When I travel I never miss an opportunity to go to botanical gardens. I love flowers, plants, and trees. God has given us such beauty to surround us! Even in desert settings the variety of plants and how they live in that environment is amazing.

It’s azalea time in northeastern Oklahoma and I’m sharing some photos from around our house. Most of our azaleas are 15-20 years old. Apparently, the winter weather we had was just right for them because they are incredible this year. The rhododendrons are just ready to pop open.

Traveling is such an eye-opener to customs, environs, language and food! I want all of you to come to Mobile, Alabama for our LWML convention June 20-23, 2019. We will experience all of the formerly  mentioned eye-openers. Don’t say, “I don’t think I want to go there because I’ve never been there.” Instead say, “Wow, I want to go there because I’ve never been there before!” Experience something different than you have at home!

There are several tours of the area that you can go on while there. You’ll experience some of the southern ambiance at convention and more by going on several tours offered. Go to the website and see what you can sign up for. https://www.baycityconventions.com/lwml-2019-group-tours Thinking of going but not sure? Call your LWML District President and find out what her plans are. Sign up for a tour. Remember, “nothing ventured, nothing gained!”

I have a photo of my mother at the 1973 LWML convention in Mobile in front of Bellingrath Gardens. I hope to have the same photo taken this year!

Enjoy my azalea photos and if you do you will surely want to take this tour: Bellingrath Gardens and Home – Visit one of America’s most beautiful gardens and home built by Coca-Cola magnate, Walter Bellingrath. Gardens, multiple water features and fountains, such as the three-tiered Rose Garden fountain fill the once two-cabin river retreat that has been transformed into an amazing 65 acre estate. The home features antique furnishings collected from all over the world. Also on display is the world’s largest private collection of Boehm porcelains.

Be encouraged! Be engaged! Be Equipped! by attending your convention in Mobile, designed with your Christian growth and mission outreach in mind! And be sure to stop and smell the roses!


Sing to the Lord all the earth! Tell of his salvation from day to day. Declare his glory among the nations  (1 Chronicles 16:23-24a).

In Praise to the LORD!

I’m writing this in Pittsburg after having spent several days here attending the NCAA Wrestling Tournament. Our dear Oklahoma State Cowboys finished third this year. Congratulations to all you Penn State and Ohio State fans and athletes for your first and second place finishes.

At the restaurant tonight there were at least 5 basketball games going on at the NCAA Basketball Tournament and the National Invitational Tournament. Teams winning or losing by one or two points. 

All these athletes and coaches have trained long and hard to be where they are today. They’ve followed a game plan, made sacrifices, spent physical and emotional energy for months or even years to reach their goal to win. 

March madness in LWML takes the form of working really hard during the month of March, odd-numbered years, because that’s when our biennium mission goal is finishing up! As of this Friday, the 29th our “game” will be over. That is the last day to put money in the bank towards our goal. 

We’ve taken the words of our “coach”, Jesus Christ to heart and worked to do what He commanded us in Matthew 28:19. We have all followed our game plan, sending 25% of all Mite Box offerings in for the mission grants chosen by district delegates at the 2017 Albuquerque convention. We have worked hard, doing fund raising activities, educating people about the mission grants, and praying for our grant recipients. Now we are in the final crazy week to see if we will meet our goal.

In the most important game we have already been given the victory. Our Savior, Jesus Christ, has won that for us by His death and resurrection. Everlasting life with Him is ours. We have received, through Jesus, the most valued prize of all – the CROWN of eternal life!

Talking to one of the young wrestlers at lunch one day he was telling us about something Coach John Smith from OSU tells them. After all your training and all the opportunities you are given as an elite college athlete, it’s most important to “give back” to others on your team, your college, and society. 

After all the blessings and God’s grace we’ve been given, all the work we have done to meet our mission goal, all that we’ve learned from God’s Word, it’s time for us to “give back”. With God’s blessings our “LWML March Madness” will end with our mission goal met and our grant recipients fully funded this week! So happy to be on our LWML team! 
