At the LWML organizing convention July 7-8, 1942 at St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church in Chicago the delegates chose the name Lutheran Women’s Missionary League over the name Lutheran Women’s League. They noted that “missionary referred to the individual member, who would be encouraged and enabled to win and hold souls for the Master.”

We see from the very beginning of our organization that missionaries are not just “them”, they are “us”. I recently asked the LWML national officers to complete this phrase. I’ll share their answers. What would your answer be?

A missionary is …

… Me! I am a missionary. Sent by Christ’s command, I share the Gospel message, do servant events, and present educational opportunities and charity work as I am going throughout the states and while traveling abroad.

… someone inspired by the Holy Spirit to communicate the salvation of Jesus Christ through word or deed.

… anyone who shares the message of God’s grace and mercy.

… someone who seeks relationship with others in order to share the Gospel.

… one who reaches out to the lost and erring to make a difference in the Lord’s Kingdom here on earth.

… someone who is called by God to go to unbelieving areas to bring the good news of Jesus Christ.

… someone who steps out their door and talks about Jesus.

… a messenger bringing the hope found in Jesus Christ to the nations, one soul at a time, using their gifts, words, and actions.

… a faith-raiser, not a fundraiser.

… A disciple of Jesus Christ who is called to go where God has called him/her to go to give a witness to the Good News that Jesus Christ has died on the cross for everyone’s sins and came alive and rose from the grave for everyone’s eternal salvation. Jesus Christ IS Above All!

…  in the strictest sense, someone who leaves their home to share the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. In the simplest sense, someone with a heart to spread the Gospel and does so by their best means: prayer, giving time, and when possible, resources.

Next week we finish this phrase,

My dream missionary job would be …


My Valentine cards are ready to give. The gifts for the grand kids are sitting on the dining room table. Now I just have to get through Monday, February 13. You see, two women who loved me unconditionally and cared about me both died and went to heaven on February 13. They passed on the same date but different years.

My mother, Anita Brase Mahnken, died of complications from breast cancer after several years of battling it. It finally wore her down and God called her home. She was ready but I wasn’t. She was active in church and LWML and loved her Lord. I never doubted her faith. I learned about Jesus from her. I learned about LWML from her. I thank God for her in my life.

My daughter, Gayle Anne Ross, died of complications from treatment for acute lymphocytic leukemia after battling it for four years. She was 18 and a senior in high school, planning to attend college in Chicago. She, too, was firm in her faith. I got to teach her about Jesus. I taught her about LWML. When she was little and went to meetings with me she called our group, “The ladies who eat cake”. I was loved by God through her.

I love the young women working on the LWML committees and in the LWML Office. I love talking with the Young Woman Representatives at conventions because they are my “Gayles” now.

I love remembering with older LWML women who have been such a big part of my faith walk over the years. We share experiences and some have shared working with my mother.

The loss and pain of separation remembered on the 13th gives way to the joy of knowing that we await a reunion in heaven. And that is because of the love of God in Christ Jesus in whom we have the hope of eternal life together with Him—just as my mother and daughter have.

So, my Valentine from God, “I have loved you with an everlasting love”, Jeremiah 31:3, waits for me on the 14th. There is one for you, too.

I know many of you have experienced sadness at the death of children or parents. Here are some of my favorite verses I relied on: John 11:25-26; Job 38:1-40:2; 1Thessalonians 4:13-18; Isaiah 40:11. Please write me if you feel a need to talk.

Happy Valentine’s Day!