I spent all last week in Roanoke, Virginia. This has been the first time I’ve ventured into an airport since the COVID-19 pandemic caused a shutdown of travel and effectively isolated all of us. I felt totally safe and feel the airports and airlines are taking precautions that will help slow the spread of this virus.

I made this trip to spend time with my Mom, MaryAnn Young. Mom, who is 90 years young, has been staying with my youngest sister and her family for the past several years. She normally goes back to the farm in North Dakota each summer, but this has not been a normal year!

My sister’s husband’s family gets together at a lakeside resort in Minnesota each summer for their vacation. Mom has been experiencing severe pain due to a much-needed hip replacement and didn’t want to travel, so my sister asked me to spend the week with her in Virginia. This was not in my plans. Actually, my grandson was to visit us in Colorado, and many plans and schedules had to be changed. God, of course, already knew this — He just hadn’t shared His plans with me. Mom and I made meals together, played cards, enjoyed movies (Hallmark Christmas movies, if you can believe it!), sat on the deck filled with herbs and flowers, and slept late each morning. I guess it was a vacation for me, too!

My Mom cherishes her large photograph collection. She loves taking pictures and receiving them. At the farm she has countless albums, each sorted by years. Many of her favorite photos have been scanned
onto her iPad, and she loves the memories they awaken. It’s good to look back and remember, and it’s good to make new memories. That’s what Mom and I did last week. We laughed and we cried. Sometimes we just sat in silence and listened to the birds. What a gift this week was for me!

Today, I remember last week with Mom. I thank God for a safe and wonderful trip, and I look forward to the next time I get to be with Mom. Isn’t it interesting that everything works as God planned it?

Thank you, Father, for Your plans for my life. How good it is to know You are always with me!
Today, and always, we are surrounded by HIS grace,

I’m tired of COVID-19. I’d love it if we could go back to meeting in public places, hugging, and eating in crowded restaurants. I wish we didn’t have to make difficult decisions about getting together or traveling. I want a cure for the Coronavirus or a vaccine — now. Yes, I may be having a pity party!

A while back, my good friend Jan Schmidt wrote a devotion about finding a cure and referenced Naaman, commander of the army of the king of Syria (2 Kings 5). He had wealth, he had power, he had servants, he had it all except his health. He was a leper. She also talked about the Roman army centurion who had a valued servant who was dying (Matthew 8:5). Both Biblical accounts give witness to God’s power to heal.

In this world and at this time, we also are looking for vaccinations or cures, particularly for COVID-19. Many companies and scientists are racing to find a vaccine. But let’s remember, only God has the power to cure.

I thank God for providing the knowledge needed for developing vaccines. I thank God for providing for
us as we live on this earth and I praise Him for providing the ultimate cure — the cure from eternal damnation caused by my own sin. Jesus Christ is the cure and we don’t need to ‘find’ Him. He seeks us out.

I am tired of COVID-19. I want everything to go back to normal but I need to remember that normal for many is dealing with poverty, depression, cancer, or other diseases that are chronic or terminal. Jesus said, “In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33b). I hope this blog isn’t a downer for you. I hope, in the midst of your tribulations you find refuge in the arms and promises of our Savior. By God’s grace, I will call upon the Lord and ask that He give me
patience (I need a lot of that!) and I will trust in Him and seek His will.

Today, and always, we are surrounded by HIS grace,

As drivers approach Woodland Park, Colorado, from the west, there is a warning light that is activated and says, “Be Prepared to Stop” if the traffic light ahead is red. Because of a hill and a curve, drivers cannot see the upcoming traffic light so this is an important notification.

As we passed this warning light on the way to town today, I thought about other ways we are reminded to be prepared. During this pandemic, we are reminded to bring our mask and wear it while in public. Throughout the winter months, here in the mountains, we are reminded to check the weather report before traveling. Our wonderful LWML president at Faith Lutheran, Woodland Park, reminds us to bring our Bible and mite offerings to our local Bible study gatherings.

Every day I prepare in many ways. As I leave home to buy groceries, I put a cooler in the car (for the 30-minute ride home). I check to make sure I have my sunglasses and my grocery list. I prepare when I have an LWML event. I plan my wardrobe, print my agenda and any travel documents I need, and I make sure I have my laptop and phone chargers packed. When I prepare
a meal, I plan it out so everything is ready at the same time.

How do I prepare for the day I leave this world and meet Jesus face-to-face? I think I do this by living for Christ each day. Paul, in Philippians, stated his desire to leave this world and be with Christ, but he knew his time on earth produced fruitful labor to the glory of God. He said, For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain (Philippians 1:21). I pray that this would be my heart’s desire also but, I must confess, I am very often not that noble.

I do find comfort and strength in God’s Word. I find understanding and direction when I go to the Lord in prayer. If I live each day to Christ’s glory, I believe I am prepared and eager to meet Jesus face-to-face. In Luther’s Morning Prayer, I pray that God keep me from sin and evil so my
very life and all that I do may please Him. I remember when I first realized that when I spoke those words, I was literally giving my life and day to God and to His glory.

As sisters and brothers in Christ, let’s continue to encourage one another, holding each other accountable as Christians. The busier our lives, the more time we need to spend in prayer and in the Word. When we look forward to an upcoming event, we prepare with pleasure. Can any event be more important than our eternal life? I am ready and eager to meet this day, whatever my Lord has planned.

Today, and always, we are surrounded by HIS grace,

Luther’s Morning Prayer

I thank You, my heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ, Your dear Son, that You have kept me this night from all harm and danger; and I pray that You would keep me this day also from sin and every evil, that all my doings and life may please You. For into Your hands I commend myself, my body and soul, and all things. Let Your holy angel be with me, that the evil foe may
have no power over me. Amen.

Lavender Plants

I probably don’t garden like most of you do this time of year. First, I live at 8,500 feet above sea level in the middle of the Rocky Mountains, and just last week (June 9), we received four inches of snow. Second, it’s very dry here, and watering a garden every day is not an option unless I want to run our well dry. Third, we have deer. Lots and lots of deer, and they love almost anything that grows in this soil.

I decided several years ago to grow plants that the deer will leave alone and that can survive in this climate. I’ve planted several different grasses, a variety of ground covers, irises, lavender, and marigolds. I am rewarded with green plants and splashes of color.

I do miss all the flowers I was able to enjoy in my garden in North Dakota, but I don’t want to fight the deer. I have seen flowers and flowering shrubs surrounded by tall fences to keep the deer at bay, but the flowers lose their appeal if you can’t get close enough to enjoy their scents. I prefer to work in harmony with these deer.

I wondered what God had to say about harmony so I looked it up.

Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep. Live in harmony with one another. Do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly. Never be wise in your own sight. Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all (Romans 12:15-17).

May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 15:5-6).

And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony (Colossians 3:14).

No, I do not believe God was referring to harmony between animals and people in these passages. I do believe that the pleasure I receive from my garden would be diminished if I was constantly upset over a deer’s dinner. So I prefer harmony with nature.

I pray for harmony amidst this tragedy of racial injustice. I pray we look to Jesus and follow His examples of love and grace. I pray, and sometimes my emotions can’t be expressed in words so the Holy Spirit intervenes for me. I pray for harmony. Please pray with me!

Today, and always, we are surrounded by HIS grace,

I did laundry again yesterday and, as I was putting clothes away in our closet, I saw that the hamper was already half full. Hmmm, how do two people amass so much laundry? I’ve been known to wear a pair of jeans for 3–4 days in a row, because I can think of many ways to spend my day other than doing laundry. My husband, on the other hand, wears a pair of pants and promptly throws them in the laundry at the end of the day. “I get dirty working outside,” he reasons. Yes, he does, and dirty clothes must be washed before they can be worn again.

I get spiritually “dirty” in this world every day. Each morning I start out fresh, thanking God for forgiving this penitent sinner. I ask Him for the opportunity to serve Him another day. Then I receive a request for something that I may not want to do or that I feel will take too much of my
time, and a little bit of “dirt” sticks to me and gnaws at my soul. As the day progresses, I sin in thought, word, and deed. I am dirty laundry, a sinner inside and out.

I also know that every single sin has been paid for in full by my Savior, Jesus Christ. I am washed clean by the blood of the Lamb. How absolutely amazing is that? Forgiveness is the grace of God washing away our sins. Forgiveness is a gift given out of love. And forgiveness is a treasure God gives us to share with others.

Again and again, I sin. Again and again, I go to the foot of the cross and seek His forgiveness. He cleanses me of my iniquities.

I am God’s laundry. You are God’s laundry. In Scripture, David prays to the Lord, wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow (Psalm 51:7b). Only Christ can forgive sins and promise eternal life in heaven but I can share Jesus’ mercy and grace with others. If it is the Lord’s will, the Holy
Spirit will work in their lives and they will understand that Jesus is their Savior too. Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). Laundry day — it’s looking better all the time!

Today, and always, we are surrounded by HIS grace,

Several times, since I began writing this blog, I have included text written by Jan Schmidt, a dear friend and member of our church. Today will be one of those blogs. Jan writes daily devotions and sends them out via email to her friends and I save them all. I often refer back to them for inspiration. Jan wrote this last fall (my thoughts are interspersed in blue text):

Living in Difficult Times

Living as we do in a world saturated with sin, tough times are no stranger to any of us. (Tough times — we view the pandemic as “tough times” and I love how Jan brings my focus back to the real issue, which is sin!) How do we survive? How shall we then live — truly live? Habakkuk observes, Destruction and violence are before me; strife and contention arise. So the law is paralyzed, and justice never goes forth (Habakkuk 1:3b-4a). It sounds like he is talking about the 21st century. When God answers him, He has two things to say:

First — wait. We want God to act now, on our schedule. But more often than not, God’s clock and ours are in different time zones. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay (Habakkuk 2:3b).

Second — faith. the righteous shall live by his faith (Habakkuk 2:4b). Faith is not in what is seen but in God who acts both within and outside of our vision.

The psalmist has similar advice. Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your heart before him; God is a refuge for us (Psalm 62:8).

Paul, likewise, encourages Timothy, I know whom I have believed (2 Timothy 1:12a). He lived what he preached. Paul operated, not out of a spirit of fear, but of faith, power, love, and self-control.

Finally, in the Gospel of Luke we are encouraged to forgive one another, even seven times in one day! We are told that even the tiniest bit of faith, like the grain of mustard seed, is enough to do what we may feel are impossible things.

So as we go about this day let’s remember that our difficult times are a direct result of sin. Our hope lies in Christ. Let’s wait on the Lord, trusting His schedule. Difficult times are a part of this world but we won’t just survive, we will thrive because Jesus said, “But take heart; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33b). That says it all. Thanks, Jan!

Today, and always, we are surrounded by HIS grace,

Each time I go to town (Woodland Park, Colorado — about a 30-minute drive from the ranch) I am given an incredible view on the ride home. As I pass through Divide, Colorado, I am treated to a vista — a panoramic view of the snowcapped Collegiate Mountain Range in the distance and a picturesque valley surrounding me. It never fails to take my breath away. Each time (I’m nothing if not repetitious) I say, in a low-toned voice, “You’re welcome, Debbie. I did this for you.” Scott knows I’m imitating the voice of God.

I am continually amazed at the beauty that surrounds me here in Colorado. But I was equally amazed when I lived in North Dakota, Washington State, and Texas. The plains, the mountains, and the oceans are astonishing in their complexity and beauty. One can’t help but acknowledge only the Lord could create such magnificence.

So I give Him the credit and mimic His voice. Yup, it may seem pretty silly. I was with a neighbor on the trip back to the ranch a while ago (before the pandemic limited social interaction) and said my usual, “You’re welcome, Debbie. I did this for you.” She looked at me and asked if I really thought God created that scene just for me. It made me realize that I do believe I matter that much to my Father in heaven.

I believe. I believe that God loves me despite my sins and, because of those sins, He sent His only Son to suffer and die in my place, for my salvation. When I confess my sins, my God who is faithful and just, forgives my sins. I can hear Him say, “I did this for you, Debbie.”

Can we even begin to make a list of the gifts our Lord has given us? Baptism, sight, laughter, salvation, hope, family, tears, faith, love, Scripture, … we could fill pages. Maybe we all need to do that — maybe we need to make a list and add to it each day. This God who created the universe and all in it created you and me and loves us enough to send His only Son so that we may be saved. He did this for me — and He did this for you. This I believe!

Today, and always, we are surrounded by HIS grace,

I should never fall back asleep when I wake a little too early in the morning. I should just get out of bed, but I curl up under the covers and fall back asleep. It’s during this time that I have the most outlandish dreams.

When I wake, sometime between 6:30–7 a.m., Scott gets to listen to me sharing my dreams while they are still fresh in my mind. He shakes his head a lot, and I am sure he finds me quite entertaining. I know my dreams are not unique because many times he also shares his dreams with me.

Do you ever wish you could remember your dreams verbatim? Or fall back asleep so you could find out how the dream ends? I had a dream this week and I’m quite sure I could become famous— if only I could remember the words to the song I composed!

Before I tell you about the song, I should tell you that as I was sewing yesterday, I was listening to 60s and 70s music. Dreams tend to intermingle various scenarios; my dream combined the words from Joan Jett and the Blackhearts’ I Love Rock ‘n’ Roll with words from Bob Seger’s Old Time Rock and Roll. Easter was obviously also on my heart, because I wrote new lyrics to that tune, with Jesus as the subject!

The “rock” in my lyrics was the rock that was set in front of the tomb where they laid Jesus on Good Friday. The “roll” in the lyrics was when the angel of God rolled the stone away. Jesus was not there. He had risen, just as He said! The lyrics I wrote were clever, genius-like! The words
flowed and depicted the story of Holy Week from the Lord’s Supper, to His suffering and death, to His resurrection from the dead, and to His triumph over sin, death, and Satan.

I wish I could remember the exact words — or maybe it’s best that I can’t. If I did remember, I’m sure the lyrics would not be clever or genius in any way. It was a fun dream though. I’m not positive, but I think one of the verses went something like this:
Jesus started all this rock and roll!
Rose from the dead and He saved my soul!
My faith is worth more than solid gold.
Thank you, Jesus, for that rock and roll!

I know, you’re saying, “Don’t quit your day job, Debbie.”

I’m not sure I have a point to make with this blog, unless it’s that I am so glad that my faith is not a dream. My faith is founded in Scripture, solid as a rock. That’s just how I roll!

Today, and always, we are surrounded by HIS grace,

I am a pretty cheerful person, for the most part. I tend to look at the positive side of a situation. But I woke this morning, thinking of writing this blog and found that I’m struggling a bit. When this coronavirus disease (COVID-19) began, I made the decision to fully comply with the travel restriction guidelines as well as with the suggestions for social distancing from others. I encouraged others to do the same. Today, I’m struggling because I want to celebrate Easter with my daughter and my neighbors. I don’t think that’s going to happen.

I am keeping really busy. I have lots of hobbies and many conference calls and emails for LWML to keep me entertained. Yet, I miss socializing with neighbors and worshipping with my church family. It’s OK to admit that. This mood will pass. It’s time to get busy with today’s list of to-dos. But I wonder, how are you?

Are you finding enjoyment with extra time at home? Are you reaching out to old friends and family members just to say hello? Are you catching up on reading or cleaning out closets? Are you sad once in a while, missing your friends, and wondering when life will return to normal? I want you to know you’re not alone.

We’re all in this together. We may be separated but we are still the body of Christ. We are bound together in faith with the common purpose of glorifying our Lord and sharing His love and mercy, His grace and forgiveness with others. Just thinking about that helps to remove the focus off of ourselves.

Thanks be to God for this gift of purpose He has given us! As we go about our lives, sheltered in place or out in the world, we have the privilege of praising our Creator and sharing His story. How are you? … sharing HIS story today?

Today, and always, we are surrounded by HIS grace,


I slept in this morning. I’ve just settled myself on the couch with a fire in the hearth (courtesy of my husband, Scott) and a cup of coffee warming my hands. (Yes, Scott also made the coffee. I know. I’m blessed.) My prayers began, as they always do, with my version of Luther’s Morning Prayer. I call it “my version” because I insert personal petitions as I include prayers for family members, myself, and others. 

It’s snowing heavily right now. Spring is officially upon us but, here in the Rockies, warmer temperatures are several months away. We are in the season of Lent and in the middle of a pandemic. The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) dominates the news. Many of my activities continue even as we have been directed to isolate ourselves from others. Morning devotions are one of those activities.

My Scripture reading included this passage from 1 Peter 1:24-25: for “All flesh is like grass and all its glory like the flower of grass. The grass withers, and the flower falls, but the word of the Lord remains forever.” And this word is the good news that was preached to you. This passage has nothing to do with a pandemic — or does it? As we deal with the cancellation of many events, we feel like we are losing control of our lives. If that’s how you are feeling, then I suggest you pick up the Bible and read. We have never been in control of our lives, and I thank God for that truth! Our Lord has been and remains in control. I take comfort in these words Jesus spoke: I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).

Let’s not look at our confinement — let’s look to the cross for what true separation was like for our Savior as He hung on the cross for our sins.

Let’s not look at the stock market and despair — let’s look to the empty grave and find joy in the treasure of heaven.

We’ve been asked to isolate ourselves from others for our safety and theirs. God assures us we are never separated from His love. Look up Romans 8:31-39. God’s love is an everlasting love!

Today, and always, we are surrounded by HIS grace,
