For all the faithful women who served in days of old. So starts hymn number 855 in our Lutheran Service Book.
As we near the end of our Lutheran Women’s Missionary League’s 75th Anniversary year of 2017 ( and as we prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving this week and take time out to thank God for his abundant blessings, I was thinking of specific things our organization was thankful for. I thought of the women who worked hard for years prior to our founding convention who struggled for recognition, put up with all kinds of criticism, derision, and still kept on until they were able to organize a national women’s organization within the synod. They are in my prayers of thanksgiving this week and in my heart.
Today we are thankful for all Lutheran women and their dedication to work that shows God’s love and forgiveness to believers and nonbelievers through our LWML. Groups in the local church, the zones and districts and the national organization put in countless hours of work and prayer as we go about our business to enable women to use their God-given abilities to serve others. (
I’ll share the rest of Hymn 855, For All the Faithful Women with you and let you know that I am thanking God for each of you this week that you continue to Serve the Lord With Gladness!
For all the faithful women Who served in days of old,
To You shall thanks be given; To all, their story told.
They served with strength and gladness In tasks Your wisdom gave.
To you their lives bore witness, Proclaimed Your power to save.
O God, for saints and servants, Those named and those unknown
In whom through all the ages Your light of glory shone,
We offer glad thanksgiving And fervent prayer we raise
That, faithful in Your service, Our lives may sing Your praise.
All praise to God the Father! All praise to Christ the Son!
All praise the Holy Spirit, Who binds the Church in one!
With saints who went before us, With saints who witness still,
We sing glad Alleluias And strive to do Your will.