The year of district conventions is concluded. The final conventions were the LWML Florida-Georgia convention in Orlando and the LWML Southern Illinois convention in Centralia, Illinois. Forty districts held conventions this year with 40 different themes, 40 different Bible studies, and many different guest speakers, servant events, worship services, and elections of officers.

Patti and  FL-GA President Trish 

Much like the body of Christ is one but composed of different parts with different functions, we celebrate this reflection also in our LWML districts. Differences come with geographic location, population differences, historical settlement patterns, and emphases of LCMS districts. We bring these districts together in our national organization and benefit from the differing input we receive from all of them. Not only do we benefit from the combination of our Mite Box offerings for grants but also in the talent that is brought to our various committees, our production of Bible studies and devotions, and our work in the area of mission service and gospel outreach.

Taking figures from the reports that the Executive Committee Representatives to the district conventions turned in here is what I see.

Attendance at conventions was 9,517 people

Young Woman Representatives were a total of 312

District grants for 2018-2020 totaled $3,469,997.92

I hope you were able to attend your district convention, the time spent together is never wasted. There is something for everyone at a convention. That something is not the same for each person. Remember to show appreciation to those who worked on your convention. Support your officers and work to fund your mission grants over the next two years. It’s a great time to be in LWML! It’s a great time to Serve the Lord with Gladness!

Engage, Encourage, Equip and Enjoy!


Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands. Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing (Psalm 100:1-2 KJV).


LWML Carolinas District

Little did they know when they chose their district convention theme months ago how that theme would echo circumstances surrounding this past weekend’s weather events! President Carolyn Smith and LWML friends went ahead with their convention at Lake Junaluska, North Carolina. I’d like to share a report submitted by LWML Parliamentarian, Barbara Volk, a member of the Carolinas district. We are so thankful for their convention taking place and the safety of all attendees. Thank you, Barbara, for this report:

The Lord was watching out for our Carolinas District LWML this weekend, so we were able to hold our convention even as Florence moved in. The LWML Carolinas District women were determined to hold their 66th convention at Lake Junaluska Christian Conference and Retreat Center in Western North Carolina on Sept. 14 and 15. 103 women and men (of the 116 preregistered) braved the storm and celebrated under the theme “SOS – Serving Our Savior.” Gifts from the Heart benefitted Haywood Pathway Center, which provides emergency services to the homeless, addiction recovery support, and crisis pregnancy assistance. Servant Activities were filling backpacks with school supplies for Orphan Grain Train and sending cards of encouragement to seminary students.

Because the rain and winds were moving into the area by afternoon, some of Saturday’s business and presentations were condensed, but attendees were still able to hear both parts of the keynote address by Dr. Gregory Seltz, Executive Director of the Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty—“Called by God to BOAST of Him (1 Cor. 1:26-31)” and “The LCRL and You—Engaging the culture as God’s people for the sake of the Gospel.” Devotions and prayers were led by Senior Pastoral Counselor John Fair. Because the flights for LWML Representative Carol Von Soosten were cancelled, LWML Parliamentarian Barbara Volk introduced the video greetings from President Patti and provided an overview of LWML products and services.

Business included voting for officers, with Cheryl Wulfert elected district president for 2018-2022; selection of a mission goal of $67,000 and district mission grants for 2018-2020; invitation to the 2019 LWML convention in Mobile; and thanks to all who worked on the convention, particularly Donna Kleister, convention host committee chairman and Western Zone President.

I salute the LWML Carolinas District and their guests who braved the ire of their uninvited guest, Florence, to come together to talk about serving our Savior as we serve others through our work in LWML.

Love, Patti

This past Friday and Saturday I spent a wonderful two days with my LWML Oklahoma District friends celebrating our 90th Anniversary of LWML organized in Oklahoma. We had past LWML presidents Virginia Von Seggern and Linda Reiser there who presented on LWML history. We had 17 descendants of the original women organizers come to be recognized. Cindi Steinbeck led Bible study on our theme, “Great is Thy Faithfulness” and Rev. Dr. Brent Smith spoke on missions and missionaries.

The first Lutheran Women’s League (LWL) society was established at St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, Apache, under the direction of Ida Hrbacek, President on January 17, 1923. This led to the establishment of the first district, the Oklahoma District LWL to be organized on February 8, 1928, at Zion Lutheran Church, Oklahoma City. 

In honor of the LWML Oklahoma District’s 90th Anniversary, our members were invited to assemble a replica of the first OK District Mite Box and fill it with a special 90th Anniversary offering to be divided between five different missions. Their goal was to unite to further mission work, particularly in Oklahoma. In 1942 they became one of the 15 original charter members of the national Lutheran Women’s Missionary League. Since that time Oklahoma LWML has grown to include women of 74 congregations and a membership approaching 1450. 

I attended an interest session with Rev. Dr. Brent Smith from Mission Central. He was speaking about several missionaries and missions. We got to laughing in the room because I raised my hand about five times to interrupt and relate how LWML grants had significantly helped the missions he was talking about!

 He graciously acknowledged the key role LWML plays in mission work and said he should have done more homework before he came!

Don’t hesitate to interrupt! Let your district and national speakers know when they are talking about something that your LWML mission offerings have helped finance! God has been faithful to the Oklahoma LWML for 90 years, providing women who want to serve the Lord. He is faithful to our national organization for 75 years! Give thanks for His faithfulness, mercy, and love.

Christ is risen, He is risen indeed! Patti