That’s been my theme over the past four years while serving you as LWML President. As you read this I am already in Mobile for our convention this week. Monday in Mobile, the Convention Planning Committee meets in the morning. In the afternoon, the Executive Committee will meet to review the Strategic Plan goals and objectives and then start their pre-convention meeting. Tuesday afternoon the rest of the Board of Directors comes in and the board meeting starts. Wednesday, the Board meeting continues and registration opens and the exhibit hall is set up with 70 exhibitors. Thursday convention begins in earnest!

Amidst all the hustle and bustle will be some times of difficult good by’s by the outgoing board members who have been together for four years — four years of changes, challenges, questions, answers, highs, lows, discouragement, encouragement, learning, discerning, diplomacy, tolerance, togetherness, appreciation. The list goes on and on. When we talk about LWML sisterhood, it is SO evident in the emotional bonding that takes place as we work together.

We have worked in order to serve Jesus. We are sinners, being perfect is not a job requirement in LWML. Our imperfections many times served to God’s Glory as He worked through imperfect women to achieve His purposes. We thank all our LWML sisters for their patience, flexibility, love, and encouragement over the past four years which you have given to us. It has been a privilege to serve LWML and Jesus.

I especially want to recognize and thank these outgoing LWML leaders who I’ve worked so closely with.

Michelle Zollinger, PR Director; Leslie Jaseph, Meeting Manager; Carol von Soosten, Strategic Plan Facilitator; Debbie Larson, VP of Organizational Resources; Kaye Wolff, VP Special Focus Ministries; Marilyn Schroeder, Treasurer; Rev. Robert Mundahl, Senior Pastoral Counselor.

Please continue to engage the women of our church in mission opportunities and the Word. Remember to encourage women, church workers, and missionaries. Equip yourselves with knowledge of missions and the Word of God. Enjoy your work for the Lord and let it put a smile on your face and in your heart.

Love, Patti

For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them Ephesians 2:8-10.

Serve the Lord with Gladness!

Last week was a week of meetings in St. Louis for the LWML. The district archivist-historians met with LWML Archivist-Historian Caroline Honeycutt and worked at Concordia Historical Institute as well as learning more about preserving their district’s history.

The Convention Programming Committee met to firm up more plans for the LWML convention coming up in Mobile, AL, June 20-23, 2019. We have great speakers, worship leaders, Bible study leaders, and activities to make it a great experience for anyone attending.

Then the Executive Committee came in for their meeting and were followed by the entire Board of Directors and advisory personnel for the Board of Directors’ meeting. They passed along the grants to be considered for funding at the convention, selected convention offering recipients, approved bylaw amendments to be brought to the delegates, and had a fun “mite challenge” that raised $27,000 for the mission grants. These women are committed—Time, Talent and Treasure!

Group photograph of the LWML executive committee and the LWML district presidents at the International Center of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod on Thursday, Jan. 24, 2019, in St. Louis. LCMS Communications/Erik M. Lunsford

We also took time out to tour the LCMS International Center and met with LCMS President Matthew Harrison on the importance of the work of LWML in the larger church picture. Also, showing their appreciation by talking about specific missions helped were Office of International Missions head, Rev. Dan McMiller and Office of National Missions head, Rev. Robert Zagore.

Ministry to the Armed Forces, Chaplain Steven Hokana also thanked the group for the grant they received. Deaconess Ministries head, Grace Rao, stopped by the meeting to express her thanks and inform board members of how their contributions were being put to work.

Mary Hamilton, Grants Manager, Mission Advancement for LCMS commented, “Our staff, too, cherishes the personal connection with the LWML. The heart-warming passion for mission the ladies have is inspirational. Their prayers for our missionaries provide encouragement and renews their hearts and minds.”

In spite of the cold, blustery weather we received a very warm welcome from President Dale Meyer as he welcomed the Board members to Concordia Seminary campus with a “welcome home, LWML!” as we toured the new LWML offices and the campus. Some of the district presidents had arranged to meet the seminary students they support.

All told, it was a great week! Engage, Encourage, Equip and Enjoy! We did it all, thanks be to God and to Him be the glory for the opportunity to work together with all His talented, gifted, and called servants in LWML, in our church body, and in the mission fields!

Love, Patti