No one denies the ups and downs of motherhood! We are called upon to make changes in our lives sometimes daily because of our own mothers and our own vocation as a mother. Changes are hard and we kid about Lutherans having difficulty with change! But let’s face it! We have adapted to changes throughout our lives whether it is as a child with a mother or as a mother ourselves.
When toddlers change from those who want to snuggle to those who at the age of four want independence and then again to adolescents who prefer to walk several steps behind you, we continue to love them and take care of them (although done in secret at times). Then as they morph into adults, we have to change our attitude about how we are seen by them.
As women caring for mothers who may now be dependent on us instead of the other way around we face that change and have to adapt. No longer do they care for us but we are caring for them. These changes coming with aging mothers are very hard to deal with as they are generally thought of as negative. However, this is a chance for us to show our love and care for someone who may not be able to reciprocate as they did before. What a privilege to care for them as they advance in age.
Jesus made caring for His mother a priority during his agony on the cross. He not only died for her sins but made provision for her physical care. So we are called to care for our mothers’ physical and
spiritual needs. Just as Jesus wanted the little children to come to Him and healed many children, so we mothers want to provide spiritual and physical care for our children.
Don’t let anyone tell you that we have difficulty with change! As mothers and daughters we do it all our lives! One thing we can depend on through all these changes is our changeless, Triune God who loves us, forgives us and helps us in our daily lives. Together with Him we are able to celebrate and adapt to motherhood and all that it encompasses.
Happy Mother’s Day from me to you!
Love, Patti
[The Lord God] will tend his flock like a shepherd; he will gather the lambs in his arms; he will carry them in his bosom, and gently lead those that are with young.
Isaiah 40:11