I would classify myself as an organized person — most of the time. I like everything in its place. My files are up to date, my spice drawer is alphabetical, and my closet is arranged seasonally. But — I am also a squirrel.
Have you seen the Pixar/Disney movie Up (2009)? If not, I highly recommend this animated film. Dug, the dog, can’t seem to keep his mind on one subject for too long. In the middle of a thought, his attention would be interrupted by a furry rodent in his peripheral vision, and he’d say (if dogs could talk!), “Squirrel!” I’m quite sure my brain works that same way.
Last week, I had four morning conference calls. Between the second and third call I had a 20-minute break, enough time to fit in a quick call to the LWML Office. I headed down the hallway to the living room and my phone. As I walked by the kitchen, I realized I had not yet washed the breakfast dishes — and promptly set about clearing the counter. There in the middle of the kitchen counter was a new ivy plant I had purchased. “That needs to be transplanted into a nice ceramic flowerpot,” I thought to myself. I grabbed some newspaper to set on the counter so I wouldn’t get dirt everywhere and the plant was carefully repotted. Have you guessed? My 20 minutes was up, and I realized that the squirrel in me had taken over. The dishes remained on the counter and the phone call to the office was put on hold. Sigh … But I had accomplished the plant thing!
Just to be clear, this “squirrel” within me also allows me to perform multiple tasks at the same time and, with a few exceptions like the morning of the conference calls, I can complete those tasks in an organized and efficient manner. Really!
This is how God made me. I also know He gives me the will and ability to focus when it’s necessary — or when it’s needed. In this fast-paced world, we grow to expect instantaneous responses and results. I thank God for the gift of discernment, allowing me to distinguish what is worldly and what is from God. This Scripture verse comes to mind: Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect (Romans 12:2).
I believe diversions are part of His plan for me. There are worldly diversions, and there are diversions set in our paths that provide opportunities for our own spiritual growth, or the encouragement of someone in need. My plans to make a fast trip to the grocery store may quickly change when I meet a friend in the cereal aisle who needs encouragement.
Even as I pray to my Lord, sometimes my mind goes off in many directions. This is when I call upon the Holy Spirit. He filters out all the dust, listens to my heart, and brings my thanks, praise, concerns, and petitions to my Lord.
Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. And he who searches hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God (Romans 8:26–27).
To all you fellow squirrels out there — let’s thank God for creating us exactly as we are, and let’s intentionally resolve to remain focused on Christ, our Savior. Everything else will fall into place!
I can do all things through him who strengthens me (Philippians 4:13).
Today, and always, we are surrounded by HIS grace,