Last week I wrote about it being a week of March Madness as we worked hard to make our Mission Goal with one week left. Today I can happily report that we will be celebrating last week as a week of March Gladness! You did it! The Goal was met and although we have not gotten our reconciled numbers yet from our LWML accountants and Treasurer, Marilyn, we did make it and I think went a bit over!

To God be the Glory, His Grace and blessings are immeasurable! May the funding of our Mission Goal make an eternal difference in people’s lives! Praise be to God!

We will be sharing exact amounts with you probably by the end of the week so watch the LWML website and LWML Facebook!

It was a week of March Gladness for me as I got to award several grant checks for you in St. Louis. LWML was celebrated at the LCMS International Center with a reception and lunch. The final three grants going to the LCMS were awarded after Chapel services. The Sierra Leone Seminary received $20,000 for upkeep and remodeling of student facilities. The LCMS Medical Missions received $25,000 to scholarship nursing students on mission trips. The Deaconess Ministry received $7,000 for Liberian deaconess training. Lots of smiles all around!

President Patti delivering a grant check

Later that day at the Seminary Library, a grant check for $40,000 was presented for African Graduate Student Scholarships. It was another very happy group attending!

Monday evening, LWML hosted a dinner and program at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, for Vicars, Deaconess Interns and spouses. This was a great opportunity to talk about LWML with these new church workers before they go out to many of your congregations next year. I pray they will find welcoming LWML groups who will invite them to come and see what LWML is all about and see how we can partner with them in ministry. About 113 people attended, including Seminary President and Mrs. Dale Meyer.  Along with me were LWML PR Director, Michelle Zollinger, who did most of the planning, LWML Business Manager, Vanessa Johnson, and LWML Administrative Coordinator, Karen Andersen. Those attending were presented gift cards from LWML.

I wish you all could have been with me to feel the “gladness” at these events! You all made that possible. Whether large or small, given with love and prayer, your Mite Box offerings have impacted many lives during last week’s March Gladness!

Let’s continue to Serve the Lord with Gladness as we start the next biennium! Come to convention in Mobile, Alabama, June 20-23 and get excited about mission outreach! Come and be part of choosing the next mission grants. Elect a new President and other officers. Jump start our 2019-2021 Mission Goal by participating in the Mission Pledge Walk, the Golf Tournament, and bring an offering for the Mission Goal at the Opening Worship.

See you there!


Click on the image to see the Mission Grants

When this is posted on February 11th we will have 59 days to finish funding our Mission Goal for the 2017-2019 LWML Biennium. Oh, that I would live to see the day that we don’t have to make this final last minute push, pull, grab, squeeze, or whatever you want to call it, to make our goal!

I guess we could lower it next time. We could make it something easy for us to attain. We could then sit back and pat ourselves on the back about a job well-done. But if we did that it wouldn’t really be a goal. I think of a goal as something you want to work towards that you haven’t reached before.

We could reduce the amount. Our grant recipients could just look elsewhere for funding. But they’d have to find someone who prayed for them, learned about their work, put out publicity about their work, or someone who would be inspired by their work.

We wouldn’t have to work so hard trying to raise money—the “M” word. We could quit having bake sales, craft sales, pledge walks, or offerings. But then the opportunity to witness and share the “why” we do those things gets taken away.

We could withdraw into our own little congregational groups and not worry about the big, bad world out there and all the lost souls. Let someone else do that—decreases my workload!

Yes, I guess I’ll just have to participate in the push, pull, grab, squeeze, or whatever it takes to meet our Mission Goal this year and probably every year going forward because that’s what I do as a woman in mission. I want to fund our mission grants so that God’s Word will be preached to all. So that God’s children will be cared for. And, so I will be reminded of the blessings of God given to me to share.


It’s time to put on your racing shoes!! LWML has 11 weeks to collect $449, 159.01 in order to meet the biennium’s Mission Goal. There are still grants to pay and other expenses that have to be fulfilled by March 31, the end of our 2-year Mission Goal cycle.

This past week the LWML Mission Grant Selection Committee met in St. Louis to go through 81 grant submissions for the next biennium and narrow those down to 31 to put on the ballot at our convention in June in Mobile, Alabama. They were all good opportunities to support missions and missionaries who, working with the Holy Spirit, are spreading the Gospel and doing works of mercy. It’s a shame to have to turn any of them down.

The grants we have this biennium are also great opportunities for you to support when you can’t do the work yourself or when you have a ministry that you are especially attuned to. But, we are short in our Mite Box offerings for grants. We still have several that need payment. If you go to our website, and click on the Missions tab, you can see the grants that still have to be paid and a breakdown of each month’s Mite Box offering receipts.

What can you do to help? It’s easy to donate online and or to send a check to the LWML at our new address of 801 Seminary Place, Suite L010, St. Louis, MO 63105. Please keep our Mission Goal and the fulfillment of it in your prayers and then open your heart and pocketbook to give some extra offering to the Lord.

At the grant meeting it was discussed as it is every biennium, lowering the Mission Goal. Financing less ministry. Not having to work so hard. The economy is forecast to go down or stagnate, the church is losing membership, the LWML is not promoting the mission grants like they used to. Are we to give in to that type of thought? Are we that weak that we can’t take on a challenge and meet it? Are we to abandon the promises we made at the Albuquerque convention to those grant recipients depending on our financing?

I say NO! We are strong, we have prayer, we have resources, and we just need to work a little harder over the next 11 weeks! So put on your running shoes and let’s race to the finish, together!


2017–2019 Mission Grant 14 — $100,000

Lutheran Braille Workers Grant #14

LBW’s ministry lovingly reaches out to people who are visually impaired to create a connection to the Word of God and His church. Lutheran Braille Workers, Inc. (LBW) is celebrating their 75thAnniversary on October 20, 2018 at their headquarters in Yucaipa, California. I had the pleasure of serving on their Board of Directors during the two years between being LWML VP of Christian Life and LWML President. LWML has been honored to be one of the keynote speakers at this anniversary celebration. LWML has long been supportive of LBW through mission grants. Many of us serve in Braille work centers across the United States and many of your LWML districts also support LBW with grants. 

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be able to present their grant check of $100,000 from our mite offerings when I go out there for the celebration? At this point, we only have half of that amount available. When you look at our mite offerings ( you will see just how far behind we are with them. Please pray about our mites. Then, I strongly urge you, individually and collectively, to do something specifically about it. What will you and your LWML group do now to help pay all of the grants selected at the Albuquerque convention, including this one for LBW?

Remember this grant in prayer: Lutheran Braille Workers (LBW) has been providing God’s Word to the visually impaired since 1943, utilizing the New International Version of the Bible for the past 25 years. With the use of the English Standard Version (ESV) by the LCMS, LBW desires to offer people with visual disability the opportunity to worship and study with the same translation of the Bible as sighted people of the Church. These funds will assist in the cost of the production of the zinc plates for each Braille Work Center along with producing the ESV Bible in large print.

Jesus had a special place in His heart for the marginalized of society and so can we. Our LWML family reaches out to the physically and the spiritually blind as part of our mission. With the help of the Holy Spirit we should strive to do the best we can in both areas! 

And I will lead the blind in a way that they do not know, in pathsthat they have not known I will guide them. I will turn the darkness before them into light, the rough places into level ground. These are the things I do, and I do not forsake them(Isaiah 42:16).
