Last week I wrote about it being a week of March Madness as we worked hard to make our Mission Goal with one week left. Today I can happily report that we will be celebrating last week as a week of March Gladness! You did it! The Goal was met and although we have not gotten our reconciled numbers yet from our LWML accountants and Treasurer, Marilyn, we did make it and I think went a bit over!

To God be the Glory, His Grace and blessings are immeasurable! May the funding of our Mission Goal make an eternal difference in people’s lives! Praise be to God!

We will be sharing exact amounts with you probably by the end of the week so watch the LWML website and LWML Facebook!

It was a week of March Gladness for me as I got to award several grant checks for you in St. Louis. LWML was celebrated at the LCMS International Center with a reception and lunch. The final three grants going to the LCMS were awarded after Chapel services. The Sierra Leone Seminary received $20,000 for upkeep and remodeling of student facilities. The LCMS Medical Missions received $25,000 to scholarship nursing students on mission trips. The Deaconess Ministry received $7,000 for Liberian deaconess training. Lots of smiles all around!

President Patti delivering a grant check

Later that day at the Seminary Library, a grant check for $40,000 was presented for African Graduate Student Scholarships. It was another very happy group attending!

Monday evening, LWML hosted a dinner and program at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, for Vicars, Deaconess Interns and spouses. This was a great opportunity to talk about LWML with these new church workers before they go out to many of your congregations next year. I pray they will find welcoming LWML groups who will invite them to come and see what LWML is all about and see how we can partner with them in ministry. About 113 people attended, including Seminary President and Mrs. Dale Meyer.  Along with me were LWML PR Director, Michelle Zollinger, who did most of the planning, LWML Business Manager, Vanessa Johnson, and LWML Administrative Coordinator, Karen Andersen. Those attending were presented gift cards from LWML.

I wish you all could have been with me to feel the “gladness” at these events! You all made that possible. Whether large or small, given with love and prayer, your Mite Box offerings have impacted many lives during last week’s March Gladness!

Let’s continue to Serve the Lord with Gladness as we start the next biennium! Come to convention in Mobile, Alabama, June 20-23 and get excited about mission outreach! Come and be part of choosing the next mission grants. Elect a new President and other officers. Jump start our 2019-2021 Mission Goal by participating in the Mission Pledge Walk, the Golf Tournament, and bring an offering for the Mission Goal at the Opening Worship.

See you there!


Click on the image to see the Mission Grants

When this is posted on February 11th we will have 59 days to finish funding our Mission Goal for the 2017-2019 LWML Biennium. Oh, that I would live to see the day that we don’t have to make this final last minute push, pull, grab, squeeze, or whatever you want to call it, to make our goal!

I guess we could lower it next time. We could make it something easy for us to attain. We could then sit back and pat ourselves on the back about a job well-done. But if we did that it wouldn’t really be a goal. I think of a goal as something you want to work towards that you haven’t reached before.

We could reduce the amount. Our grant recipients could just look elsewhere for funding. But they’d have to find someone who prayed for them, learned about their work, put out publicity about their work, or someone who would be inspired by their work.

We wouldn’t have to work so hard trying to raise money—the “M” word. We could quit having bake sales, craft sales, pledge walks, or offerings. But then the opportunity to witness and share the “why” we do those things gets taken away.

We could withdraw into our own little congregational groups and not worry about the big, bad world out there and all the lost souls. Let someone else do that—decreases my workload!

Yes, I guess I’ll just have to participate in the push, pull, grab, squeeze, or whatever it takes to meet our Mission Goal this year and probably every year going forward because that’s what I do as a woman in mission. I want to fund our mission grants so that God’s Word will be preached to all. So that God’s children will be cared for. And, so I will be reminded of the blessings of God given to me to share.


Strategic Plan Facilitator Carol , President Patti, & Jr Pastoral Counselor Mitch

Traveling again for LWML found me in St. Louis this past weekend for the LCMS 2018 Prison Ministry Conference. If you look at the list of 2017-2019 Mission Grants you will see that Mite Box offerings financed this conference. Thanks to our faithful family of Lutheran Women in Mission these pastors and lay people involved in prison and jail ministry came together to share experiences, hear numerous speakers, and share resources.

To tell you that this was a worthwhile grant says way too little. These servants of the Lord actually risk their lives, face lawsuits, long hours, and long drives as they deliver the Word of Jesus that He forgives and loves. To listen to their experiences you realize these people are special, called to an incredibly tough ministry and deserve our daily prayer support to protect them from earthly and spiritual attacks. I was incredibly humbled to meet many of them and see their dedication to the marginalized and despised children of God who are in our penal system. They depend on the strength and action of God’s Word and the Holy Spirit.

If you have a local or district prison ministry I urge you have them come and share about how they do their ministry and then find out what you can do to help them.

We all read Matthew 25 and think, yes, Lord, I can feed people, I can give water to people, I can clothe people but whoa, I can’t go visit prisoners. However, through your Mite Box offerings, service projects, and prayer, you can hold up those wonderful men and women who do! As the hymn says, “We can be like faithful Aaron, holding up the prophet’s hands.”

Then the righteous will answer him, saying, “Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?” And the King will answer them, “Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did is to me.” (Matthew 25:37-40)


Someone dropped their Mite Box! Coins go rolling around and people scramble to help find them all! It’s another Mite Box Sunday at our church — the first Sunday of every month when we invite the congregation to bring their Mite Box offerings in and add them to the big Mite Box. We then dedicate those offerings to God for spreading of the Gospel message.

It reminded me of the power of those Mite Box collections when they go rolling out of the box. Just this past month we have delivered the first two of our mission grant awards.

One was to Franklin Avenue Mission who sponsors Mercy House for Women and Children in Flint, Michigan to remodel, add on to, and provide a shelter. In Flint 46% of the general population and 66% of the children live below the poverty line. This mission outreach will help unwed, pregnant, abused, homeless Caucasian, African American, and Hispanic mothers and their children.  Can you see those coins rolling out into the community?

The second grant was the grant for Current Missionary Need to support LCMS missionaries overseas. As you know, LCMS missionaries must raise their own money to finance their mission work. The $100,000 grant will provide $10,000 each to assist nine missionaries/missionary families already serving in Kenya, Togo and Ethiopia, Africa; Hong Kong; Peru; and St. Petersburg, Russia, as well as another missionary who has been called to serve in Thailand. Can you see those coins rolling out into the world?

I hope whenever you see a spilled Mite Box you’ll think of those coins spilling out into the world — making a difference in someone’s life for eternity.

Let’s keep those coins rolling!



And he looked up, and saw the rich men casting their gifts into the treasury. And he saw also a certain poor widow casting in thither two mites. And he said, “Of a truth I say unto you, that this poor widow hath cast in more than they all; For all these have of their abundance cast in unto the offerings of God: but she of her penury hath cast in all the living that she had”  (Luke 21:1–4 KJV).

Check Presentation inside the offices at Mission Central

Check Presentation at Mission Central
LWML Treasurer Marilyn Schroeder presenting the check to the personnel at Mission Central for the grant Current Missionary Need

Check Presentation to Mercy House personnel, pictured outside of Mercy House's facility

Check Presentation to Mercy House
Pictured from left to right: Sue Aussen, Mercy House Program Manager; Michigan District President Susan Gruber, Kaye Wolff, Vice President of Special Focus Ministries; Pastor Bradley Yops, Mercy House Director; MaryBeth Heikkinen, Michigan District Vice President of Communication.

I’m writing this on Epiphany Sunday evening here in Tulsa, Oklahoma. At home we have added the Wise Men to our manger scene. In church our Gospel message was the account of the visit of the wise men from the Gospel of Matthew.

The Lutheran Study Bible has some wonderful notes on this passage so I would refer you to them rather than do my own comments. However, I got to thinking of their return to the East where they came from after experiencing and seeing what they saw. What did they tell people?

My husband and I, my son, John, and my cousin and his wife went back to Pasadena after Christmas to work on the Lutheran Layman’s League (LLL), Lutheran Hour Ministries (LHM) Rose Parade float. It was so fun and I hope you saw it on TV if not in person. I met quite a few LWML women working as Petal Pushers on various floats for the parade from all over the U.S. Way to go LWML!! But I digress.

While there, I had a chance to visit with Eric Gates, LHM’s regional director for Africa and the Middle East, about the work that our grant #7, Christian Hope through Mass Media in Egypt, is funding. He was recently returned from Cairo where a November 6th taping involved more than 40 people including cameramen, actors, writers, and back-stage production crew. This is being done through a partnership with LHM and SAT-7, the first and largest Middle East and North African Christian satellite network, co-producing a television series from the SAT-7 studio in Cairo, Egypt, that will begin airing in January 2018. This broadcast will potentially reach tens of millions of viewers in more than 20 countries spanning from as far west as Morocco to as far east as Iraq and the Persian Gulf.

I often wonder what the wise men told people as they journeyed back east to their home countries. It’s so exciting to see that the Word about our Savior continues to travel back to the East. As we fund this mission grant we pray that the Holy Spirit will open hearts along the way.

Learn more about this TV programming in the January-February 2018 issue of The Lutheran Layman or at or

Happy New Year!



This mystery is that the Gentiles are fellow heirs, members of the same body, and partakers of the promise in Christ Jesus through the gospel (Ephesians 3:6).


Learn more about LWML here

The work going on in our LWML districts is the focus of the LWML Districts Day that is being promoted. Districts were invited to send in information about a grant or some service project they have been working on for us to highlight via the media outlets we have at LWML. When we promote mission offerings we pray that donations will be sent to the district treasurers for them to distribute. When a dollar is put in the offering, 75 cents stays in the LWML district and 25 cents is sent to LWML. Last biennium, district mission offerings for district grants totaled around $7 million. Isn’t that fantastic?

Our other district focus as I write this (on Friday, the 25th) is the dedication to providing human care needs in the districts. I’m watching weather forecasts for torrential rains in the Texas-Louisiana coastal areas. The districts are the ones who are the “feet on the ground” during times like this. LWML Texas and LWML Louisiana-Mississippi districts are making plans to provide aid as needed and requested.
Our districts are varied, like the members of the body of Christ. There are some that are heavily Lutheran, others face the statement I frequently encounter, “what’s that?” Some face challenges of large geographic areas to cover, like Washington-Alaska or Montana.

We have concluded our LWML convention in Albuquerque. What a force for the Gospel to have so many women come together to praise God and be part of a movement to spread the message of God’s saving Grace through Jesus Christ. Now, going into 2018, the focus is on our 40 LWML districts. They have their conventions, retreats, conferences and workshops to reach out to more women. These will be fun and informative. But, in the meantime, the districts are hard at work providing funding for mission grants in their districts and providing that loving touch in human care need situations.
I pray that today you will tune into the LWML Facebook page to see the work of these districts and perhaps, if one pulls at your heart, you will consider supporting that work in even a small monetary way and as always, with your prayers.

Have you signed up to attend your fall retreat or fall mission fest? Please do and be part of your district’s work. You will be blessed!

Writing from the great LWML Oklahoma District,

All for Jesus – Know him, Confess Him, Serve Him Philippians 3:7-11.
This was the theme and scripture for the 2017 Black Ministry Family Convocation held in Birmingham, Alabama, July 12-16. LCMS Black Ministry is celebrating their 140th Anniversary this year!

As LWML President I have the opportunity to go to many different events and bring greetings from all Lutheran Women in Mission across our 40 districts. I had the opportunity to give your anniversary congratulations and support to those attending the Friday morning session of the meeting.

LWML Vice President of Special Focus Ministries, Kaye Wolff, presented a breakout session about LWML on two different days. There were many LWML members in attendance, as well as several pastors who had been LWML Pastoral Counselors. LWML Public Relations Director, Michelle Zollinger, attended as did LWML Michigan District Past President and LWML board member, Willie Marie Henry. I also got to talk with several women I met at Louisiana-Mississippi district convention last year.

I was able to meet five pastors from the six New Orleans’ churches who received one of our grants for the coming biennium (Grant #8 NOLA 4H: Hearts for the Hungry, Homeless, and Hurting.) To say they were excited is to put it mildly. You have become part of their ministry to God’s people in New Orleans!

Another grant recipient at the convocation who expressed excitement and thanks to LWML was Rev. Matthew Heise of Lutheran Heritage Foundation (Grant #6 Lutheran Children’s Books for Families Worldwide.) Representatives from Bethesda Lutheran Communities (Grant #15 Sharing Jesus with People with Disabilities) were eager to tell us what they would be able to do now that LWML was supporting their ministry with a grant. And gratitude was expressed by the prison ministries included in the grant for the synod-wide conference in 2018 (Grant #20 Prison and Jail Ministry Synod-wide Conference in 2018.)

We got updates from former grant recipients Rebecca’s Garden of Hope, Rosa Young Academies and the Acts 2 Enterprise in Detroit. Inquiries about starting LWML organizations in Liberia and Kenya were very exciting as possibilities in the future!

Since I share your encouragement at these events, I wanted to share with you how thankful the recipients of our grants are. I am blessed to be in the position to hear their stories and their plans. You are answers to their prayers. God is enabling you to engage, encourage, and equip these dedicated fellow servants of God! Thank you for serving the Lord with Gladness by supporting these mission grants!

Serving with you,