October is Pastors’ Appreciation month. Yes, we should show and voice appreciation year-round but I have a feeling that’s not always the case. Over the years, I’ve shared my fears and distress with my pastors. I’ve prevailed upon them for guidance over and over again in my personal life and with Bible studies of which I needed more interpretation. They have counseled me and I do appreciate each of those pastors I’ve had the privilege to know. I just don’t always tell them. Do you?
As we praise God for our pastors this month, let’s get out our pen and paper and write notes of thanksgiving to His shepherds. Consider asking your whole family to write notes of thanks. Get your children involved so they are made aware of the blessing our pastors are in their daily lives. If you are able, include a gift certificate for a restaurant, sporting event, or movie theater. Let’s admit that our pastors aren’t in it for the money. A special gift will be appreciated. I plan on bringing the subject up during our Bible study so everyone is reminded to show their love and appreciation in some way.
I guess this isn’t really a blog. It’s more of an appeal but I think it’s worthy request and a good reminder. If you agree, please pass it on!
Today, and always, we are surrounded by God’s grace,