Waves, Water, and the Wonder of the Word

Today, I travel to St. Louis in preparation for this week’s meetings with the LWML Board of Directors. For the last 10 days, I’ve been in Minnesota at my husband’s childhood lake home. I spent much time working and preparing for this upcoming meeting but I was blessed to spend it looking out at a beautiful, clear, Minnesota lake. I listened to the waves hit the shore, smelled the fresh breeze, and felt the peace of God that is so evident in nature.

I’ve read analogies of Christianity and waves. Like waves wash the sand from my feet, I know my sins are washed away by the sacrifice of my Savior. Or I think of my sins as crashing waves causing me to sink into the depths and I find comfort in knowing my Lifeboat. As I looked out at the lake, I saw the sun’s reflections, like diamonds dancing across the surface of the water and I thought of Jesus speaking to the woman at the well in John, chapter 4. What Jesus offered to her, He offers to us — “living water”. 

It’s been a challenging month as I’ve navigated the transitions of my last position and my new position in LWML. Scott and I have traveled (over 8,000 miles) back and forth to family, and I have traveled to the LCMS Convention in Tampa, Florida, and to St. Louis, Missouri. There have been waves, at times overwhelming waves, and yet God has kept us safe in His arms through every mile. Each day I find my Lord speaks to me through His Word. Each day I gratefully receive His “living water” and thank Him for the joy I experience in service to Him in LWML. Yup, sometimes I see the waves as a challenge and sometimes I see them as a cleansing of the soul as the Holy Spirit guides me.

A large part of my faith journey has taken place alongside the women and men of LWML. This organization can play a vital part in your life as well. Come, ride the waves with me and look for where God will use you and your unique gifts to serve, learn, and belong. 

Today, and always, we are surrounded by God’s grace,


A busy week for LWML sisters. This week includes meetings in St. Louis of the Archivist-Historian Boot Camp, Convention Programming Committee, the Executive Committee, and the Board of Directors. We will be reviewing the past year and looking towards budgeting for the coming biennium that starts April 1, this year. (Remember to support the Mission Grants before March 31!)

It’s always encouraging to me to see the wonderful variety of women who have come together with no pay to volunteer to work for LWML and its leader, Jesus Christ our Savior. Many have learned new technology or meeting management, made new friends from all across the United States, gleaned new insights into some Bible passages, and generally “served the Lord with Gladness”. It’s part of our mission statement to enable women to use their God-given gifts in ministry.

And there are many gifts represented. Some of these women are retired and some use PTO time to attend from their work venues. There are real estate agents, nurses, manufacturing managers, teachers, government workers, musicians, lab researchers, missionaries, and dog- showers. Our Pastoral Counselors are full-time ministers with schools at their churches.

There is also a meeting of the district Archivist-Historians (A-H) taking place with LWML A-H Caroline Honeycutt. They will be learning about archiving, working at Concordia Historical Institute, and looking to things of the past to preserve for the future!

And we are all trying our best! I hope you will remember us in your prayers this week (actually, always!) as we do our best, calling on the Holy Spirit, to help us discern the will of God for our ministry efforts. Your District President will be at the Board of Directors meeting. Give her some encouragement via email before she travels on Wednesday.

Remember – Engage, Encourage, Equip and Enjoy is what we do in LWML. Please do it! I know we will in St. Louis this week.

Love, Patti