Welcome Lutheran Women in Mission
It’s a huge encouragement to me in my faith life to see so many women in our church who are passionate about sharing the love of Christ and who want to share that passion with other women. Through this blog we hope to provide encouragement to get you engaged with missions and with other women; to equip you in ways to promote and support mission work; and to share the joy of serving the Lord with Gladness! Let’s enter this blog world together and share our enthusiasm for Jesus! Let’s examine the mission that has led LWML for 75 years!
Here you will find resources and personal musings on a biweekly basis. This will also be a place to let your voice be heard. Share with me your ideas on how to effectively engage women in learning more about Jesus and about our mission grant recipients and their work among God’s people. We’ll also be sharing and linking you to resources such as 2-Minute Tuesdays, shareable devotions, updates on LWML Mission Grants, LWML events, and of course the countdown to the LWML 37th Biennial Convention in Albuquerque, New Mexico! Many of these resources will also be available on the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League website. I look forward to beginning this new chapter with all of you. Together, I know we will be able to encourage each other in the work that we love! Please continue to follow this blog and share with your friends. Let’s start now! Subscribe to this blog by selecting the “subscribe” button on the sidebar of the Blog page.
Please click on the arrows in the photo above to enjoy the gallery which features pictures from my adventures as President of LWML and a mission trip I took to Guatemala.
Joyfully serving with you,
Patti Ross