Scott and I arrived home to Colorado late last Tuesday evening. I stepped out of the vehicle and breathed in the scents of sage and pine. We had driven through thunderstorms and watched lightening race across the sky. The clouds had parted and the stars were shining. We live in a gated ranch community in the heart of the Rocky Mountains and, each time I drive through the gate, I am quite sure my stress level drops. Oh, how I love coming home!

Scott’s father had been struggling for several months and he died peacefully in his sleep early on Sunday morning, August 11th. The memorial service was held in Bemidji, Minnesota, on Saturday, August 17th. Lloyd has gone home to be with Jesus. With family and friends, we celebrated Lloyd’s life but the real celebration was the fact that we will see him again in heaven.

Our Father has set us on this earth to be His missionaries and spread His message of salvation to all those who do not know that He is the only way to eternal life in heaven. We are here to bring glory to the Lord. I count it an honor and a privilege to serve Him in this way. At the same time I want to remember this is not my home (referencing 2 Corinthians 5). As much as I love my home in Colorado, and as much as I loved my home in North Dakota when I was a child, I look forward to meeting Jesus face to face.

I love to travel. I love to visit friends and family. I love to see and experience new things and places. Yet there is always a great feeling of peace when I come home. As we mourn the loss of Scott’s father, we know he is at peace because he is home, really home. He is with Jesus and we will join him some day. 

This is why we, as Lutheran Women in Mission, share Jesus. This is why we serve others and give to missions. We are His missionaries and we spread His message of salvation … so all may know Jesus and go home!

Today, and always, we are surrounded by God’s grace,


Waves, Water, and the Wonder of the Word

Today, I travel to St. Louis in preparation for this week’s meetings with the LWML Board of Directors. For the last 10 days, I’ve been in Minnesota at my husband’s childhood lake home. I spent much time working and preparing for this upcoming meeting but I was blessed to spend it looking out at a beautiful, clear, Minnesota lake. I listened to the waves hit the shore, smelled the fresh breeze, and felt the peace of God that is so evident in nature.

I’ve read analogies of Christianity and waves. Like waves wash the sand from my feet, I know my sins are washed away by the sacrifice of my Savior. Or I think of my sins as crashing waves causing me to sink into the depths and I find comfort in knowing my Lifeboat. As I looked out at the lake, I saw the sun’s reflections, like diamonds dancing across the surface of the water and I thought of Jesus speaking to the woman at the well in John, chapter 4. What Jesus offered to her, He offers to us — “living water”. 

It’s been a challenging month as I’ve navigated the transitions of my last position and my new position in LWML. Scott and I have traveled (over 8,000 miles) back and forth to family, and I have traveled to the LCMS Convention in Tampa, Florida, and to St. Louis, Missouri. There have been waves, at times overwhelming waves, and yet God has kept us safe in His arms through every mile. Each day I find my Lord speaks to me through His Word. Each day I gratefully receive His “living water” and thank Him for the joy I experience in service to Him in LWML. Yup, sometimes I see the waves as a challenge and sometimes I see them as a cleansing of the soul as the Holy Spirit guides me.

A large part of my faith journey has taken place alongside the women and men of LWML. This organization can play a vital part in your life as well. Come, ride the waves with me and look for where God will use you and your unique gifts to serve, learn, and belong. 

Today, and always, we are surrounded by God’s grace,
