For 75 years as an organization and for more than that as united groups of women, women in the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League have served their church, their families and strangers in strange lands. This service is given to the glory of God. How do we pass on LWML—Lutheran Women in Mission from generation to generation? It’s important to remember that we don’t pass on the organization per se, but we pass on the Mission and purpose when we speak of His glory [of God] and all His redeeming acts, extending His kingdom throughout the world. We pray that these things are always present in the work of women in LWML.

I don’t think you will get too far sharing the organizational structure, the election of officers process, or the financial status of LWML. What you do share that has the most impact with those around you is the joy of being able to share the love God first gave to you with others. What is your passion that is expressed through LWML? What is it that excites you? Is it coming together to provide radio broadcasts to the Middle East? Is it giving women in Tanzania a chance to learn a trade and provide better for their families? Is it providing goods for the homeless in your community? Is it meeting together to study God’s Word?

I hope that you can pass along to the next generation the “why?” of LWML and the “why?” of your participation in it. This is the best way for our organization to continue to the next generation.

One generation shall commend your works to another,
And shall declare your mighty acts.
On the glorious splendor of your majesty,
And on your wondrous works, I will meditate.
They shall speak of the might of your awesome deeds,
And I will declare your greatness.
They shall pour forth the fame of your abundant goodness
And shall sing aloud of your righteousness.
(Psalm 145:4-7)

What’s your “why”?

Spend some time thinking about that this week and be ready to tell someone about it. Pass it along to someone in a different generation and see if you can communicate your passion, the “gladness” of serving in LWML.

(And it better include Jesus)!


Mother and daughters praying during bible study at home.