More Bible Study! Yes!
One thing comes up on evaluations for all conventions whether it’s a district or national LWML convention or zone events and that’s, “Need more time for Bible study”. I know a lot of districts have Christian Life conferences or retreats. I hope yours does! We have a new women’s day retreat called, “Let’s Grab Our Shoes and Go!”
At our convention in Mobile this June, if you get up early, you can choose from eight Bible studies happening between 6:45-7:45 on Friday and Saturday mornings at the convention center before convention starts. Four each morning. The Saturday one conflicts with the Mission Walk but we know not everyone can do the Walk so why not go study God’s Word? Or you can walk really early or fast and make it to one. Here’s the list of what’s being offered. Thanks to these Bible study leaders who are volunteering their time and sharing their knowledge to lead these studies.
Yes, I know that it will still show up on the evaluations but it’s a great sign that LWML women LOVE to study God’s Word—our mission inspiration!—we never get enough!
Friday, June 21, 2019
- An LWML Bible Study, led by Terri Bentley from the new retreat, “Let’s Grab Our Shoes and Go”.
- A Spanish-language LWML Bible Study, led by Deaconess Marta Luna.
- A CPH-sponsored Bible Study, led by Christina Hergenrader entitled “Create Olive Branches in Your Family Tree”.
- An LWML Bible Study, led by Karol Selle entitled “A Missionary? Me?”.
Saturday, June 22, 2019
- Bible study led by author/speaker Donna Pyle, “Perseverance: A Prayer Battle Plan”.
- A Bible Study led by the LCMS Black Ministries Director, Rev. Dr. Roosevelt Gray
- Ministry to the Armed Forces Bible study by Chaplain Craig Muehler.
- A CPH-sponsored Bible Study, led by Deb Burma entitled “JOY! -Philippians, the Letter of Joy”.
Hoping to see you in Mobile! Patti
“If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:31-32)