Another calendar year is almost over. Does time pass quickly for you or do the hours seem to crawl along like a sloth crossing the highway? I suppose it depends on what is going on in our lives at the moment I ask such a question of any of you. I know if I’m waiting for family to arrive for a special celebration, time passes slowly. If I’m enjoying time with a friend, time passes quickly. If I’m responding to LWML emails, time flies and it seems I’ve spent hours of the day to my laptop. (This is something I love to do — correspond with my sisters and brothers in Christ!).
I remind myself that we all have the same amount of time — you can’t buy more time. You have what you have been given. Every moment is a gift from God. So many things in this life can be bought, bartered, or borrowed, but not time. You can’t give your time to someone or share the time you’ve been given — or can you? I believe that’s what we do when we serve God by serving others. The time I spend packing Mercy Meals for Orphan Grain Train is time I’m able to give. The time I take to call a friend who has lost a loved one is time I’m able to share.
Yesterday, I found myself judging others and how they spend their time. Yes, I admit to doing this — forgive my sin, oh Lord! The Holy Spirit gently nudged my thoughts as I realized how much time I spend checking Facebook and on other non-essential activities in comparison to how much time I spend in the Word. Ouch ….
I can squander my time or make the most of it — we all make those choices. My priorities are evident through my actions. Today, I am the one who will choose how much time to spend with my Lord. I’m the one who will choose how much time I squander on social media. Tomorrow, I again will choose to spend time wisely or wastefully. With God’s help, I pray I choose wisely!
New Year’s resolutions are one way we express what we’d like our priorities to be. These are resolutions we know in our heart are priorities we should keep. I normally don’t make New Year’s resolutions, but I may this year — and I hope that I will think of them as opportunities to set priorities that will delight my Lord.
Resolution #1: The time I have been given is a precious gift from God and I will give Him thanks each morning for another day to praise His name and share His love. As the Lord grants me a new day, I will put Him first and trust that He will grant me time for everything else that is necessary. I trust He will do the same for you.
A happy and blessed New Year to each of you!
Today, and always, we are surrounded by HIS grace,