Click on the image to see the Mission Grants

When this is posted on February 11th we will have 59 days to finish funding our Mission Goal for the 2017-2019 LWML Biennium. Oh, that I would live to see the day that we don’t have to make this final last minute push, pull, grab, squeeze, or whatever you want to call it, to make our goal!

I guess we could lower it next time. We could make it something easy for us to attain. We could then sit back and pat ourselves on the back about a job well-done. But if we did that it wouldn’t really be a goal. I think of a goal as something you want to work towards that you haven’t reached before.

We could reduce the amount. Our grant recipients could just look elsewhere for funding. But they’d have to find someone who prayed for them, learned about their work, put out publicity about their work, or someone who would be inspired by their work.

We wouldn’t have to work so hard trying to raise money—the “M” word. We could quit having bake sales, craft sales, pledge walks, or offerings. But then the opportunity to witness and share the “why” we do those things gets taken away.

We could withdraw into our own little congregational groups and not worry about the big, bad world out there and all the lost souls. Let someone else do that—decreases my workload!

Yes, I guess I’ll just have to participate in the push, pull, grab, squeeze, or whatever it takes to meet our Mission Goal this year and probably every year going forward because that’s what I do as a woman in mission. I want to fund our mission grants so that God’s Word will be preached to all. So that God’s children will be cared for. And, so I will be reminded of the blessings of God given to me to share.
