March Madness to March Gladness!!
Last week I wrote about it being a week of March Madness as we worked hard to make our Mission Goal with one week left. Today I can happily report that we will be celebrating last week as a week of March Gladness! You did it! The Goal was met and although we have not gotten our reconciled numbers yet from our LWML accountants and Treasurer, Marilyn, we did make it and I think went a bit over!
To God be the Glory, His Grace and blessings are immeasurable! May the funding of our Mission Goal make an eternal difference in people’s lives! Praise be to God!
We will be sharing exact amounts with you probably by the end of the week so watch the LWML website and LWML Facebook!
It was a week of March Gladness for me as I got to award several grant checks for you in St. Louis. LWML was celebrated at the LCMS International Center with a reception and lunch. The final three grants going to the LCMS were awarded after Chapel services. The Sierra Leone Seminary received $20,000 for upkeep and remodeling of student facilities. The LCMS Medical Missions received $25,000 to scholarship nursing students on mission trips. The Deaconess Ministry received $7,000 for Liberian deaconess training. Lots of smiles all around!
Later that day at the Seminary Library, a grant check for $40,000 was presented for African Graduate Student Scholarships. It was another very happy group attending!
Monday evening, LWML hosted a dinner and program at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, for Vicars, Deaconess Interns and spouses. This was a great opportunity to talk about LWML with these new church workers before they go out to many of your congregations next year. I pray they will find welcoming LWML groups who will invite them to come and see what LWML is all about and see how we can partner with them in ministry. About 113 people attended, including Seminary President and Mrs. Dale Meyer. Along with me were LWML PR Director, Michelle Zollinger, who did most of the planning, LWML Business Manager, Vanessa Johnson, and LWML Administrative Coordinator, Karen Andersen. Those attending were presented gift cards from LWML.
I wish you all could have been with me to feel the “gladness” at these events! You all made that possible. Whether large or small, given with love and prayer, your Mite Box offerings have impacted many lives during last week’s March Gladness!
Let’s continue to Serve the Lord with Gladness as we start the next biennium! Come to convention in Mobile, Alabama, June 20-23 and get excited about mission outreach! Come and be part of choosing the next mission grants. Elect a new President and other officers. Jump start our 2019-2021 Mission Goal by participating in the Mission Pledge Walk, the Golf Tournament, and bring an offering for the Mission Goal at the Opening Worship.
See you there!